Have a nice weekend!

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If it wasn't because of a text that I received from my mother, I was probably still thinking about how Mrs. Park was close to Bora. When she arrived at the restaurant, Mrs. Park hugged her and asked her if she had had her dinner. Bora looked nice as an individual and I didn't doubt if Chanyeol was comfortable around her. But it wasn't something that I needed to think about when my mother was waiting for my reply.

She asked if I wanted to tag along to Myungsoo's house for his sister's baby shower. I completely forgot about that. I told my mother that I had work this weekend and she replied me with a sad emoticon that brought a smile on my face.

My mother was working on the sales report when I arrived at home. She asked if I had a good time at work that I nodded and she smiled for that.

It was a typical evening when the house was quiet. My sister was probably sleeping earlier. Meanwhile, my father's car wasn't seen in the garage, but I didn't try to find the answer from my mother.

"Don't skip your dinner if you haven't eaten yet." was the last thing that I heard as I was walking to my bedroom, planning on sleeping earlier as well.


In the morning, I woke up earlier than usual even though it was a weekend. There was something about the news from my favourite football team that pumped my enthusiasm. And with the hope of having a great weekend, I decided to work on my English homework as soon as I finished showering even though I wasn't so sure if I did it right. Knowing that I was awake, my mother invited me to have early breakfast as I didn't eat at all last night. She told that she cooked earlier because my father left early to go fishing with his friends.

Then, she got ready for the upcoming occasion in the Kims and it was like an itch that I couldn't help but scratch, so finally I decided to find an answer as I followed her to the bedroom.

"Will you go alone?" I voiced my mind, watching her applying her lipstick. She just got her hair cut a few days ago, so she let her short hair without any special touch.

"Yes," she answered simply. She was choosing a coat when she turned to look at me. "Are you not cold?"

I was wearing a sleeveless top and a pair of old PE shorts.


She finished her preparation and grabbed her purse.

"How much do you need to buy the T-shirt?"

I grinned. Two days ago, she was mad at me as I ordered a Liverpool merchandise online but I didn't know how to pay, but she was an angel eventually as although with her long preach, I would still receive her money to support my hobby as a fan.

The money was still a big tease, but there was something that made me push my priority. I was still unsure, but I had the urge to ask if I could join her to Myungsoo's house before I left for work. If she allowed me to go, it would be my first time to visit him since he moved.

"Is this enough?"

"How about sending it to my account?" She rolled her eyes and put the money back. "I have work at nine. But can I join you?"

My mother was like thinking of a response before she confirmed, "Sure. Just make sure that it's fine with your schedule."

I was still convinced that my decision to meet Myungsoo was right. I told my mother that I would get ready after I finished my breakfast. I was back to the dining room and anticipating a weekend at the Kims. It had been a while.


Finally, my mother and I were a few feet away from the Kims' main door. I didn't know but my nervousness was troubling me. My mother just didn't know that during the whole bus ride I practised some possible lines that I might want to mutter once I met my old best friend.

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