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When I arrived at my father’s store, I was surprised by Miyeon’s presence. She who spent her holiday in her relative’s house in Jeju came with a bag of oranges for us. We didn’t hug and I didn't overreact, but I was excited meeting her.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you’re here?” I asked as I unpacked the lunch for everyone in the store.

“I could’ve just told you, but I wanted it as a surprise. I didn’t know though; that you were still at home.”

“Dad let me come at lunch.” I missed her, but we weren’t the type to say it. I smiled at her showing her nail arts. They were pretty and I wanted to have them on my nails, but I knew that I would back off because of the money I needed to have such a beauty. “Lunch's ready!” I called out and then we switched places with my father. My sister was still helping Donghae rearranging the accessories on the display.

And when both of us were seated on the customer stools, Miyeon asked me the update from Nick and Judy.

“Nick and Judy?”

“Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. Zootopia.”

“Yeah, I know.” When I saw how she was side-eyeing my sister, I found that she was talking in codes. But I was clueless of to whom she referred.

“Sweety Pumpkin.”

I rolled my eyes for her choice to enlighten me. I slipped my hands in my jacket pockets and I remembered how Chanyeol’s warm hands felt against mine. There were some things that were inexplicable and I let Miyeon see my smile. It was challenging and it was still vivid when I cried, but at the moment I was simply happy and I wanted to share with my best friend.

“They’re dating since the weekend,” softly I revealed.

“Really?!” Her reaction made Donghae turn his head. My sister who knew us didn’t bother to spare her time to see what was happening.

“Is it unexpected?” I asked softly when I was sure Donghae returned to work.

Her smile was seen and I felt that I was blushing. She shook her head. 

“Hey, I want boba.” When she said as she turned her head to the boba store across the street, I knew that she wanted to catch up. I wasn’t sure, but my sister allowed me to leave. She even handed me some money.

“I don’t know where I should begin,” I told.

Even though secret started to become a rare word in our friendship, spilling what I had been keeping for myself for the past three days was quite challenging. Perhaps, it was because this was my first time dealing with an actual romantic relationship. Perhaps, it was because of the frustrating beginning.

“You don’t have to tell everything. But I really need the confirmation that you’re happy with this.”

And I was glad that Miyeon always understood me. She could be someone that fit the description of a silly girl, but I always knew that she was mature enough for a girl in our age.

I nodded. “I’m happy. Chanyeol always looks after me.”

“He always does.”

I liked hearing her agreeing. “But my mom has no idea about this. And I wish he doesn’t tell his mom. I just can’t work with the thought of Mrs. Park knowing that I’m dating her son. Well, same. I don’t want my mom to assume that I have motives.” I paused when Miyeon chuckled. “It’s true.”

“That could be complicated. But don’t over-stress. Enjoy the process.”

“Process.” I scoffed.

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