Chapter 43- Sue and Nate's Promise

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As the citizens we're leaving the kingdom's limits, Nate watched all the boats depart from the docks like they were about to watch some fireworks.
" Sue, We may have a problem on our hands!" Nate shouted from the top deck, leaping over the railing and caught a glimpse of over one hundred creatures materializing in front of the docks. There was one man stand in front of the creatures, two katanas rested in his hands as he slowly raised his right arm. That signaled the creatures to charge directly at the ship.

" Kill them so Sin doesn't have any witnesses." He said, watching all the creatures destroy everything In their paths including themselves to get to the ship.
" Susie!" Nate shouted once more, witnessing glass shatter above him as Sue crashed in the middle of the dock. Nate narrowed his eyes at the male ordering the creatures, quickly crawling into the shadow that the sails made.
Sue cracked her neck, slowly raising her head to face one of the creatures as she smiled sadistically.

" Let the fun begin." She said, slicing her own wrists as her blood started being manipulated by herself. She crafted a short sword out of the blood and started slicing through the creatures. There was a split second that she hesitated, staring down the castle in the distance.
" We'll make sure they don't interfere young masters." She said, twisting herself around to behead another creature. The black blood seeping from the corpses started dissolving like it wasn't immune from oxygen.

Nate crawled out of a shadow near the man ordering the creatures, making sure that he was controlling any sound that his body was creating.
"It's good seeing you two again, You ready for an actual fight Butler?" The man with the katanas said, shifting his attention to exactly where Nate was located.
The man tossed the katana resting in his left-hand towards Nate, making sure that this will be a fair fight for both of them.
" I'll make sure you don't get revived for good, Time for the soul to decay!" The man shouted at Nate.

Nate caught the weapon, tightening his grip with his right hand. He blinked only once, when his eyes were covered in darkness all he could see was Zarmacks, Aries, Anais, and Jack with their fists out towards him.
" Go, Uncle Nate!" The children shouted in sync before Nate and the man we're clashing blades.
At the moment, The ground cracked in various spots beneath his feet and the two were applying their strength to the weapons.
" How does it feel to die?" The mark asked Nate, pushing himself back and cutting off Nate's right thumb.

Sue took a deep breath, channeling all the blood around her to a specific point before sending ten-inch spikes towards the remaining creatures. She had blood running down her neck, showing that she was abusing her own power.
" Nate, Give me some more time.." She mumbled her breath, watching blood rain from the sky as she charged towards the remaining thirty creatures.

There was a flicker of light, blinding both Nate and Sue. They felt a warm presence amongst them, feeling a hand grip their right shoulders.
" There's no need to hold back, You two served my family well. It's time to show them why you two were generals of Cthulhu's army!" A male's voice shouted at them, immediately releasing them of their restraints.

Nate tossed the katana aside, clenching his fists before slamming them into the concrete. He took a deep breath, absorbing all of the shadows in the vicinity including his own.
" Corruption Magic: Gift Of The Shadow Walker!"
He shouted at the top of his lungs.
Blood and sweat we're running down his body while his own skin was turning black.

The man with the katana couldn't help but laugh, seeing how pathetic Nate and Sue are. He ran his left index finger along the blade, implanting light magic within the blade.
" Light and Dark clash once again, Light always Prevails." The man said, taking a step towards Nate.
At that moment, The ground caved in around Nate and the mysterious man before six consecutive explosions occurred. Nate erupted from the smoke, pulling out broken weapons from his body and launched them blindly in the smoke.

The man stood amidst the smoke, feeling the heat from the burning concrete. He grinned, quickly deflecting the weapons without seeing their flight pattern. It was like he knew how Nate would act with him being concealed by smoke.
" ArcLight: Heaven's Destroyer." The man said, draining all of the light in the vicinity to a specific point.

All of a sudden, A beam of light rocketed out of the smoke. The beam forcefully dispersed the smoke, revealing the man's location as it for closer to Nate.
" I want to make sure there's no ants meddling in Sin's business!" The man shouted out, witnessing Nate smirk which angered him even more.
Nate watched the beam draw closer, each second felt like a minute to him until he unleashed a beam of dark magic at the light beam.
" We counter each other, Where's there light lyes darkness." He said, pouring all of his power into that beam as another explosion rattled the entire kingdom.

Sue twisted herself around, blood running down her forearms as she braced for impact from the explosion. The smoke blinded everyone's vision once again, it was like everything was going according to plan for the man.
She rushed blindly into the smoke, barring her fangs as a fist crashed against her face. Sue was placed on her back, seeing double now from that punch.
" You two are holding back, You are way stronger. You're minds dwell on the young adults and what's to come if you fail here!" The man said, slamming his katana into Sue's stomach before stomping down on it with his right foot.

The man grinned, shifting his attention at the last second as a first crashed against the right side of his face. He was launched thirty feet, forcing himself to stop as a gust of wind exploded behind him. The wind completely leveled the numerous buildings behind him.
" You pack a punch, I angered the right Demon then." He said, snapping his fingers as Sue's body started glowing white.
Nate knew what was about to happen, leaning down to embrace whatever is about to come with her.
" Nathan, You need to protect them. I-I wasn't able to show Jack why I'm feared and your not. Hopefully, This won't be the end of Sue The Tyrant." She said, not allowing him to speak before pressing her lips against his.

Sue had tears dripping onto her face, knowing this ended her journey. She couldn't help but smile at Nate before something made out of blood wrapped around him and jerked him away from her.
" SUSIE!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, witnessing an explosion engulf her entire body. The power from the explosion launched Nate through sixteen buildings but prior to being knocked back, he heard her voice one last time.
" I love you." Those three words echoed in his mind while he rocketed through each building.

The mysterious man dissolved into thin air, watching the explosion from the sky before narrowing his sights towards the castle.
" Let's see if these Angels are actually worth it." He said, opening his right hand as the katana that pierced Sue came straight to him.

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