Chapter 21 - The Tour

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The apprentices stood outside the guard shack, waiting for someone to great them.
A man who stood at a frightening seven foot three stepped out of the shack, each armor plate on his body was enchanted with fourth-tier spells.
" I apologize if I've made you wait so long, I had to do my rounds to make sure my soldiers are in prime condition." The male said, The tone of his voice gave Jack cold chills.

This man was bald with a scar going along the right side of his head and towards his neck, A black scruffy beard was the only hair on his face.
" My name is Zo, I am a tenth generation slave to this kingdom. " He said which caused Anais and Aries to cover their mouths in shock.
Zo scratched the back of his head, slowly started to laugh before glancing over to Aries before realizing who this male was.

" I didn't know a Prince of the royal family would be joining me today. Well, we can talk about this on our walk to the Kingdom's academy." Zo said, nodding his head to Psycho and Jack as a sign of respect.

Zo directed the apprentices through the market, showing them his favorite places to buy produce or buy weapons.
" This Kingdom is a mixture of good and bad depending on where guards are positioned."
Psycho said which caused Jack to glare at him. There was a sudden urge to punch him but Jack maintained his posture and continued to follow Zo.

Ten minutes later, The apprentices were seeing trainees spar in the Academy's courtyard. There was no holding back from what Psycho observed, watching how a male had a broken jaw and hand but continued to fight.
" These types of guys are worthy of being called a warrior." Jack said, smiling underneath his helmet while Aries and Anais had different opinions than that.

A stray arrow flew directly for Psycho before Zo moved at a speed the apprentices couldn't see as now the male was twirling the top of the arrow on his right index finger.
" Do not release an arrow near guests or I will personally fight all two hundred of you rookies." Zo said, flicking the arrow aside as Psycho noticed the crack in the ground from that flick.

A young man walked up to Zo, kicking dirt on his shoes as a sign of disrespect. This man was a dual wielder and by his actions, It showed that he was a cocky individual.
" You are just the Queen's bitch, You don't scare no one here." The male said, unsheathing both of his short swords before warping above Zo and slashed downwards.
All of a sudden, The swords shattered against Zo's right forearm which showed everyone that his skin is tougher than steel.
A single punch to the young man's gut, launched him twenty yards as he crashed against the only tree around the courtyard.

Zo didn't need to say a word, gazing at the rest of the trainees before him as he turned his back to them. The male waved his hand, motioning the apprentices to follow him so that their tour wouldn't be halted.
" He kinda reminds me of Jack but ten times stronger..." Aries whispered to Anais before glancing over to Psycho as he smiled at him.

The apprentices were brought to a fountain as Zo turned around and kneeled to them.
" I apologize for acting that way at the academy, The citizens here have a lust for power and blood. They believe taking down the top dog will bring them fame and fortune." Zo said, slowly lowering his head before Jack forced him to stop.
Jack gripped ahold of Zo's right shoulder, locking eyes with him through his helmet.
" With our treaty, I promise no I give you my word. You will be a freeman including fix this corrupted kingdom." Jack said, smiling behind his helmet.

All of a sudden, Ten bats surround the group as they morphed into their regular forms.
" The Queen demands an audience tomorrow morning. Zo, You will be stripped of you're pay for this month due to the actions you caused at the academy. The student has been placed in the hole for trying to prove himself before our humble guests." A female said, licking her lips as she gazed upon Jack and Psycho.

All of the Vampires sensed the power within all four of the apprentices, Knowing which ones to take down first and ones to gang up on Incase anything went down.
" If there isn't a problem, I'd like to take this Demon with me because it's rare that we get a taste of Demon blood." She said, twirling her crimson hair as Aries clenched his fists.

Psycho walked in front of Aries, staring into the eyes of this blood lusted Vampire.
" I've never had the chance to taste Vampire and listen to their cries for help as I devour their entire body and soul." Psycho started to open his mouth, revealing the seem on his cheeks that made his mouth open wider.
The female was lost for words, realizing that she spoke before analyzing Psycho more.
She and the other nine vampires morphed back into Bats before flying away from their location.

Aries kept his mouth shut, all of his emotions were twisted as Psycho revealed the bite mark on his neck to Aries.
" This mark means I'm you're property if I'm correct." He said, smirking at his own sentence as Jack and Zo shook their heads.

" Well if you guy's like, You all can lodge at my family's inn. My mother and siblings would be pleased with guests." Zo said, hoping that they'd accept his offer.
All four of them smiled at his generous offer, Jack slammed his hands together which spooked Anais and Aries before he started laughing uncontrollably.
" Of course Zo, You remind me of someone from my past and I'd like to see what this kingdom has to offer me." Jack said with a smile.

The Prophecy: ApprenticesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz