Chapter 7 :Meeting The Royal Family

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Anais and Aries were the first to step off the boat, taking a deep breath of fresh air. A small group of kids ran past them, bumping them on accident but kept on running down the docks.
Psycho was the only one watching each child pass by, making sure nothing was stolen or fell onto the dock. " This place is so beautiful, The wide variety of races living amongst one another without any hate." Anais said, putting her long slick black hair into a ponytail.
Jack stood behind Psycho, grabbing him by the collar of his jacket before tossing him onto the dock. " Move beast or be dragged by force." He said, stepping over his body as he walked up to Anais and Aries.

Psycho laid on the docks, trying to twist and turn himself around so he'd be able to help himself up but resulted in him being unbalanced. " Jack, You know he doesn't speak so at least nudge him so he knows that he needs to walk instead of just tossing him onto the ground." Anais said, walking over to help Psycho stand on his feet while also dusting him off.
" We all need to look well decent so we don't disrespect the Queen and King." Aries said, scooting closer to Psycho as he tried to catch his attention.

Psycho didn't acknowledge the male next to him, staring down the brute before him as he wanted to do cruel things to Jack without the vision of the other two.
" Alright, Let's get moving. We need to see if we can speak with the king before the sun sets for the day." Jack said, taking the first step forward towards the kingdom as the rest followed.
Anais and Aries were like children in a candy store, getting distracted by the various foods and clothes they sold here. All of the soldiers weren't wearing any armor which confused jack, making him wonder if their crime isn't as bad as it is back home.

All of a sudden, Psycho froze in place as Anais's ears perked up at the right time. She was able to hear his windpipes gasping for air until he fell onto his knees. " Jack and Aries, Prepare a meeting with the King while I tend to Psycho. We will catch up, Don't worry about me. I'll be able to subdue him if his condition gets worse." Anais said, helping psycho get underneath some shade as she started to undo his straps.
Jack slammed his right hand against his chest, grabbing ahold of Aries as the two headed towards the main gates of the castle.
" Listen here Aries, If the beast gets sick then we have no decoy for escaping fights. We need him for a lot of things, Let's not dwell on them but maintain focus on the task at hand." He said, immediately reminding Aries of his adopted father.

Psycho tried to slow down his breathing, keeping a level head as Anais was removing his jacket. " I've heard reports of panic attacks under Janes care, Is that what's happening to you?" She asked before covering her mouth, Two needles from the collar were injected into his body. " Oh no, Psycho please refrain from hurting me for this." She said, biting her thumb causing it to bleed.
Anais moved her finger over the two spots on his neck that we're injected, allowing her blood to mix with his for a brief second. " Ancestors, Allow this body to be cleansed from holy fluids. " Upon finishing her sentence, Psycho's eyes rolled into the back of his head.

The male stood in an open space, Looking around until his eyes fell two doors. One door was red with black most seeping through the cracks while the other was covered in blood and needles. " Will you allow yourself to remember your past or continue being Janes puppet?" Zarmacks voice was heard from behind him, the boy wanted to witness this so that he could torture him more or leave him alone.
At that moment, A ruby flame engulfed both doors as a hyena-like laughter escaped underneath his mask. " I will do what I desire!" He screamed, tightening his right fist before punching himself in the jaw.

" You chose the path that you aren't stable for Psycho. I'll be here till the very end!" Zarmacks laughed, closing his eyes before the two disappeared from this place.
When Psycho came to, Anais wasn't near him which made him skeptical of his surroundings until his attention was caught by a small black fox. The fox was curled up in a ball in his lap, clearly passed out from something until he realized that this fox was Anais.

" Anais, Thank you for helping me." Psycho said, his voice was rough but it was filled with appreciation. The male walked over to a vendor, handing over two gold pieces before receiving a small basket and an apple.
Psycho took his time to neatly fold Anais's clothing, being completely embarrassed when people saw him fold her undergarments. Eventually, He placed her on top of her clothes before picking up the basket and made way towards the kingdom.

Half an hour later, Psycho was greeted by royal guards as he spotted Aries and Jack standing at the doors which lead to the throne room. " WHERES ANAIS?!" Jack raised his voice, covering his mouth quickly as he noticed the black fox inside the basket. The male took the basket from Psycho, glaring him down as the tension between the two was slightly lifted for the time being.
Aries smirked, taking a gold coin from Jack's free hand." I win this bet, You big troll." He laughed, looking over to Psycho who seemed peaceful at the moment.

Five minutes passed, Anais finally woke up and realized where she was at." Wait how did I get here and who folded my clothes?!" She was embarrassed, glaring at Jack and Aries before looking over to Psycho who was interacting with a pigeon. " Seems the big bad beast has a soft spot." She said, forcing Jack, Aries and whoever was in the vicinity to close their eyes so she could get dressed.
Anais crossed her arms, adjusting her hair before the throne room doors started to open.

Psycho was placed back in his straight jacket, not fighting against Aries since he was the one putting it on him." Welcome My Friends, I am King Zeo and This is my Queen Jessica. I wish travels weren't harsh for you guys." The King said. After he was finished speaking, All four of them kneeled in respect and kept their heads bowed until told to stand. " I speak for my comrades, It is a high honor meeting you King Zeo and Queen Jessica." Jack said.

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