Chapter 1 : The Kings Call

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The sounds of electrical equipment and screaming kept echoing down the main halls of the castle causing guards to become fearful of what's happening. A smooth voice spoke within the room that was being overwhelmed by screaming " Psycho, You've gone from an innocent boy to my greatest beast. You must know you are hated amongst the apprentices for killing their beloved sibling Zarmacks in the fight a few years ago." This person was a woman, She wore a light blue buttoned-up shirt which was a couple of sizes bigger than her. The pants she wore had a vine type of pattern going across each pant leg. Her silver hair shined a little in the light and her yellow eyes resembles a black cat on Halloween.

The male's eyes opened which caused a sadistic smile to form on her face. It took a few minutes to place his straight jacket on him including his new mask that was specifically designed by the Sorcerer himself. The mask was designed to tighten and send shockwaves through his body when he doesn't cooperate when an order is given to him. As she glanced into his crimson eyes, She saw aggression and despair which wasn't usual from him" Now you've been requested to the King's throne room. He has an assignment for you and the other apprentices."

He acknowledged what she told him and bowed in respect to her before departing to the King's throne room alone. Guards kept their hands on the hilt of their weapons Incase he tried to attack them at any moment. Each step he took made noises for a reason, The male was making sure his presence was known amongst these peasants the King calls guards.  Eventually Psycho arrived at the doors to the throne room but something caught his attention. A small boy with black hair and crimson eyes stood behind him, His attire made him seem like a royal from somewhere " You've become a monster, Killing me made it permanent." The male's body tensed up when he spoke to him, His anger slowly getting the best of him until a deep toned voice spoke from underneath his mask" Zarmacks, You were a stepping stone to my freedom."

The boy dissolved into thin air and his presence gone made Psycho's soul calm once again. As the doors opened, There was no living person within the throne room except him for now. The male walked over to a corner covered in complete darkness, Trying his best not to fall over while sitting down criss-cross apple sauce style. The melody of Mozart's Lacrimosa was playing inside his mind to help keep him in a good state for now at least.

The smell of alcohol hit him like a train, Something was coming and it was emitting a foul smell of booze. A man standing at 7ft tall entered the throne room and the smell became stronger " The king ishnt here." A massive shield and sword were strapped to his back. This brute of a man was a pure-blooded human and it seemed his genetics were developed differently due to his training. Psycho stood up slowly to hopefully catch the drunk's attention but that didn't go according to his plan. Instead of gaining the brutes attention, the brute decided to chug a bottle of whiskey and not pay attention to anyone in this room except this bottle of whiskey" Yoush will be my bestest friend."

All of a sudden the big man started to dance without any rhythm and simply caused the ground to shake including the stuff on the ground to bounce a little. A small male slid past the dancing drunk and the height differences were noticed. The male had to move out of the way since the drunk is two times his height and was getting close to squishing him by his dancing." I ISH THE BEST WARRIOR IN DA WORLD!" The song was drowned out by guzzling of whiskey which pleases Psycho and the little male. The attire the small male wore resembled a females attire which gave off that he liked women's attire more than males. At that moment, The new male dusted off his clothing. Those Crimson eyes and Shaggy brown hair shined in the sunlight which was seeping through the windows of the Throne room. The buttoned-up white shirt had a good design going along the front, Roses and Black vines etched in the front which made his appearance stand out. The black skinny jeans alongside regular shoes which were size six for the young male.

He ran behind a potted plant and peaked his head out from behind it, The look of disgust from the males face changed to pure fear when realizing there weren't two people in this throne room" They allowed Psycho to be let out of containment? He's not a threat in his current state but once that jacket is removed he will be a killing machine." The male was speaking to himself and kept his voice tone at a low, Not like the dancing drunk could hear him at all due to his singing sounding like fingernails going down a chalkboard.

The sound of shoes clicking from the hall outside the throne room could be heard which meant the final person was arriving. A pair of black ears twitched a bit once entering the throne room. Being last to arrive wasn't on purpose but it was a habit from this young woman. Her raven hair pulled back into a slick ponytail which hung slightly past her knees. When gazing upon the dancing drunk, She couldn't help let out a small laugh and kept an idea of what makes him like this just Incase for laughs in dark times. Even wearing her sandals which made her height go from 5'2 to a 5'8 seemed she was still smaller compared to the drunk towering over her.

She made sure not to get on this ones bad side whenever he gets serious in a fight or argument. Her gaze fell upon the male behind the plant as she simply smiled before speaking softly" Aries it has been a while.." Her sentence  was cut short once realizing the monster himself was standing in the corner and had the best point of view of everyone in the vicinity." Psycho seemed they allowed you to join us." The male snickered underneath his mask and simply bowed to her as a sign of moral respect. Aries kept his distance from Psycho and kept eyeballing him every ten seconds " Anais it has been a while since Zarmacks ..." The female cut him off from his sentence " Call me Ana and yes it has. Being in the same room with his killer makes my blood boil."

The drunk stopped dancing and became still like a statue, The King's presence made him sober in an instant. Aries and Anais were in complete shock to see how fast he changed " Afternoon my king" Anais kneeled in respect first before Jack followed but instead of kneeling, He slammed his shield down onto the marble floor causing it to crack in various places. His head bowed while also kneeling behind the shield but Aries was the last one to knee which he did slowly since Psycho was right behind him." Jack your tolerance for alcohol gets better every time we meet. But shall we get along with the briefing of why I called you four here."

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