Chapter 16- Where The Three Seas Meet

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Screams and explosions echoed inside the mins of Aries, The male gripping ahold of his covers until everything suddenly stopped. " Finally we meet Aries, Son of Gerald and Athena." A feminine voice echoed inside of his mind before his conscious self stood alone in a ballroom.
Aries looked around, not seeing his siblings not Psycho but witnessing a woman take form right before his eyes. " W-Who are you?" He asked, afraid of what's to come.

The woman stood ten feet from him, twirling her curly emerald hair as her sea-green eyes locked with his. A silky black dress wrapped around her body, showing off specified regions of her body that would make any other man fall in love with. " My husband calls me Chiii but my full name is Chela The Behemoth" She said, pushing herself up against his chest as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Aries blinked twice, pushing Chiii off of him and simply glared at her. " Well Chela, What is the pleasure of meeting you in my consciousness?" He asked, not moving his eyes away from her face for obvious reasons.
" Well cutie pie, I'm here to pass a torch to my successor. You have all types of lust within you. A lust for Blood, Love, and especially recognition." She said, Those red lips of hers started to seem like she was slurring her words from his point of vision.

" A-A torch of Lust..." He said as his eyes started to roll into the back of his head before he started falling backwards.
" That is the plan Aries, This will be the first and possibly the last time you see me. Remember the torch for a unique reason, It can benefit you more ways than one. " Chiii said, licking her lips as the entire scenario faded away from Aries's mind.

" ALL HANDS ON DECK, PIRATES ARE BOARDING US AS WE SPEAK!" The Captian's voice echoed loudly over the intercom as it caused all four apprentices to awaken from their slumber.
Jack didn't hesitate to rush to the top deck, tightening his grip on his shield as he forced his way through an enormous crowd of what seemed to be pirates. " LET'S START THIS FIGHT YOU MAGGOTS!" He screamed, silencing the sounds of swords clashing against one another before joining the fray.

Psycho emerged from his room, tossing the door overboard as the pirates surrounded him. " Prince..." One Pirate said, The rest making a pathway to the front of the ship.
Jack was swinging his sword down on a pirate who lost their footing before a hand caught the blade right before it made contact with the pirate.

Psycho out of everyone was capable of stopping the full force of the sword coming down. " These aren't Pirates, Their soldiers of Cthulhu's royal army. I assume that they patrol the waters mimicking Pirates so their identities wouldn't be revealed until now at least." He said, pushing the blade back up and locked eyes with Jack. The tension between the two was growing thinner by every passing conflict.
" You speak nonsense!" Jack yelled, tightening his grip on the beast of iron and prepared to cut down Psycho.

Anais and Aries made their way through the crowd, seeing the two males ready to kill one another without any regret. " Both of you st-" Anais was cut off as a tentacle emerged from the water, The tentacle wrapped around her and Aries before dragging them into the water.
" Either you two get dragged down like them or come with us" A pirate said, signaling all the others to leave the ship before they all dived into the water.

Psycho looked at Jack with a smirk, Two tentacles emerging from the left side of the ship as it wrapped around the two males. " Hold your breath brute." Psycho said before the two were dragged into the water.
While the four were being dragged down to the very depths of the sea, A enormous city caught their attention and it looked like something out of children's book. " Welcome to City of The Bermuda Triangle." An unfamiliar voice said, Forcing all four of them to calm down while underwater.

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