Chapter 19 - The Deadly Fate Of An Apprentice

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Psycho remained silent, witnessing his older cousin break character just for this moment.
" If you miss them... Why not reunite with them." He said, reaching out to place his right hand on Deric's shoulder.
When the last words escaped Psycho's lips, Deric turned around and grabbed ahold of him by his throat as his eyes were filled with despair. ".... I'm so sorry...." He said, realizing what he just did before realizing Psycho.

Another tear ran down Deric's face as he pulled out a small photo from his pocket.
" Five out of seven of us have been hunted and killed by Overseer named Sin. Each of us went to different Universes to protect something while sacrificing everything else. The son of Lucifer, Russell is the only one living besides me. I'm here protecting something while I can't protect the men who I spent years with." He said, wiping the tear from his cheek before placing the photo back in his pocket.

Anais and Aries kept their eyes on Deric, observing how one of the strongest Demons amongst could show a soft side.
Psycho tapped Deric's chest with his knuckles before revealing a smile as the male turned his back to him and Cthulhu.
" Whatever you are protecting cousin, I'll make sure you can do it with ease. I may be mentally unstable and fighting for control but that doesn't mean my word shouldn't be trusted!" He yelled, standing at the doors of the throne room before exiting the room.

Jack stared down Psycho, grinding his teeth before bowing one last time to Cthulhu. " Even though our time together was short, We must return to our schedule or we will be in trouble." He said, grabbing ahold of Anais and Aries before following Psycho.

Cthulhu placed Deric in a headlock, meaning with him so his mind would be out of the gutter. " Cheer up, I believe those kids will live a good life especially when all the crystals are gathered." He stated, looking down at Deric as he witnessed an X carving itself onto his neck.
The male released him, taking a few steps away from him in case he wanted to say something.

Deric looked at all four of the apprentices before concealing the new mark with his left hand. " My purpose was to protect those four but one of them will be killed in forty days. Their death will change their ideals and end goals. When that day comes, I'll either have six years left or Be hunted immediately which is why I must prepare till my time comes." He said, looking over to Cthulhu with a smile.

Six hours later, The ship finally docked at the Kingdom of Lucis better known as the home of every Vampire known to man. " Alright, Since it's nice time the apprentices need to rest so tomorrow their tour guide can show them around." The captain said over the intercom.
Aries and Anais were sound asleep while Psycho and Jack were wide awake.

Psycho stood in the middle of his room, Claw marks covering the males as blood dripped from his fingertips. " Seems the beast is going to the brink of insanity by every passing day. I would say just give the crystals to Anais or Aries so that you could kill yourself!" Zarmacks' voice echoed all around him which resulted in Psycho dragging a rough blade across the palm of his left hand.
" I won't let you influence my better half, I'll forcefully put down anyone in my way so I can obtain the four remaining crystals. That's including my fellow apprentices." He stated.

Jack was sharpening his beast of iron, the sweat dripping from his brow fell onto the floorboard. The sound alone caught his attention, grabbing the handle of the sword before realizing that his mind was getting the best of him.
" My son, You have waited long enough to avenge your brother. The next time, He does something to anger you... Simply put him down like a sick dog." The voice sounded identical to his father but how he spoke was unusual.

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