Chapter 27 - The Decision

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Two hours after the public execution of Psycho, The apprentices arrived on the outskirts of the Kingdom. Each of them was covered in sweat and tears.
" Jack, Why did you turn back?!" Aries screamed at him, walking up to him and pushed him onto his behind.
Jack was shocked at the display of strength from Aries, not even wanting to stand back as he lowered his head in shame.
" A-Aries, If we continued our way to him. We would have the same fate as him, I can't bare to lose anyone else because of my mistakes!"
Jack raised his voice, showing the two that he was upset like them.

Anais grabbed ahold of Aries by his left ear, pulling him five feet away from Jack so that he'd calm down for the moment.
" Relax little brother, It's going to be ok. We have to make a plan of how to retrieve his body..." Anais stated, trying to muster up an idea of how to properly locate Psycho and retrieve his corpse.

A pair of footsteps caught Anais's attention, she twirled around and opened her grimoire. She bared her fangs, glaring at the two figures stopping in their tracks.
" Y-You three have grown so much..." A feminine voice emerged from the two figures.
As she came into light, She had long white hair and a pair of crimson eyes. She was wearing barbarian like clothing and had no weapons at her sides.

 She was wearing barbarian like clothing and had no weapons at her sides

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The other figure had maroon slicked-back hair and a maroon beard. The male's right ear was clipped which made it obvious that he's seen better days. He wore a grey jacket with a black turtle neck underneath it, a pair of grey pants with black boots. This male had no weapons as well, seeing that these two have no need for them.
" Young Masters and Misstress, It's been far too long since I've laid eyes on you." The male spoke, it was like a lullaby when he spoke to them.

Jack slowly stood up, removing his helmet as he started to realize who these people are

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Jack slowly stood up, removing his helmet as he started to realize who these people are.
" Miss Sue and Sir Nathan, Is that really you two?." Jack spoke first, slowly making his way to them as everyone noticed tears rolling down his face. He didn't hesitate to embrace the two into a hug, burrowing his face into their shoulders.

Sue couldn't help but smile, rubbing the back of Jack's head as she started to calm him down. She kissed the top of his head, glancing over to Nathan who had a tear rolling down his face.
" We've been alive for ten years now, Not being able to protect you three has been our greatest failure to your parents. Before you ask, Cthulu bargained with Death and we were granted to return to the land of the living." Nate said, stepping to the side as he examined each of them before walking up to Anais and Aries.

He embraced the two into a tight hug, placing his hands on their cheeks as he smiled. He pinched their cheeks before taking a few steps back. White mist started to seep through his lips which shocked Aries and Anais.
" That Demon named Psycho is barely alive, My intel informs that they'll be taking his horns when a particular person arrives at the prison.
If you three want to rescue him, You must prepare yourselves for a fight to the death." Nate stated, taking a deep breath as he sucked back in the white mist.

Sue patted Jack's face, witnessing him adjust his posture and bash his hand against his chest plate. He looked over to his siblings, having a clean smirk on his face.
" I owe him two favors, One for saving me and two for not leaking any information while being locked up. He is apart of our kingdom even if he's a sadistic monster but the key thing is... " Jack hesitated for the moment, Anais and Aries walked up to Jack. The two had a smirk on their face as well, each of them places their fists together.

" He's our monster and he deserves a better ending than this!" All three of them spoke in sync before laughing at one another.
Sue and Nate locked eyes with one another before looking up at the sky.
" Master, They've surpassed our expectations and found their paths in life" Sue spoke to herself, slowly looking over to the apprentices before seeing Zarmack's little hand on top of their fists.

" Heh, He still looks over them even in dangerous times. He was a unique demon and he deserved a better fate than what he was dealt." She said under her breath, slowly turning around and started to walk away.
Nate sighed, wanting to stay around the apprentices a little longer but from here on out, they won't have to deal with extra forces when they attack the Kingdom.

Nate caught up to Sue, wrapping his arm around her as the two smiled at one another.
" That spirit of Zarmack's is an illusion, It seemed someone placed it upon us and Psycho. The real question is, Who would traumatize the man who killed Zarmacks?" She said.

Fifteen minutes later, Anais was sitting down and started planning out an attack on the Kingdom. She pointed at that Psycho would be held in the prison, she circled the main entrance before circling spots for archers to be posted up at.
" Jack, We must request Zo's aid because he'll understand our situation and reasoning for this attack. When we arrive at the Kingdom, I'm going to unleash a barrage of fireballs onto the front lines protecting the prison. Aries and Jack, Fight to the front and kill anyone that doesn't lower their weapons to us!" Anais yelled out, noticing Aries and Jack was in shock due to her strategic planning.

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