Chapter 17 - Meeting Cthulu

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The tentacles dragged the four apprentices through a massive doorway, the moment each of them passed through the Door. They'd fall onto the stone walkway, The smell of seawater was the only thing Anais or Aries could smell at the moment. " I'm going to kill Psycho, He knew about this procedure and didn't warn me!" Anais yelled, realizing there wasn't anything for her to use so her hair wouldn't be soaking wet.

Psycho was the only one who wasn't wet but there was steam rising from his body. " That's entirely not fair, Using fire magic to increase your body heat so the water would dry up." Aries said, slicking back his hair before slinging water onto Psycho's face.
Anais couldn't help but laugh, seeing Psycho spit water back at Aries as he smiled. " It's only fair." He said, walking past all of them and headed directly for the massive palace that towered over the city.

Jack shuffled to his feet, water dripping from his armor which started to annoy him after the thirty-fifth droplet. " Cthulhu must have some good ale and clothing." He said as he picked up Aries and Anais, not caring what they said before following Psycho.

Each step Psycho took was destroying his mind. The male was hearing hundreds of Zarmacks screaming at him. " FILTHY MURDER!" Those two words were giving him a panic attack. When Psycho locked eyes with a male demon, The male's eyes changed into a dark shade of silver as his demonic power was starting to show in front of his own people.

The Demon looked at Psycho, witnessing his eyes roll into the back of his head until a hand gripped ahold of Psycho's left shoulder.
" It's been far too long cousin." An unfamiliar voice said, The figure's shadow was towering over Psycho and he could sense the raw power from this person.

Psycho turned around, locking eyes with a male who had sea-green eyes. " You've grown since I last saw you boy, If you don't remember me well my name is Deric." He said, speaking in a southern accent while adjusting his black hat.
Deric smirked, adjusting the strap that was holding up a Celtic Claymore. The male was only wearing a white buttoned-up shirt with dark blue jeans but had some type of boots not seen from this universe.

A scar ran down from his left eye to the middle of his lips, it was obvious that he had his fair share of battles throughout his life. All of the citizens recognized Deric, each one backing away from him and Psycho. " V-Void..." A female said, catching Deric's gaze before looking away from him.

Jack stopped in his tracks, placing Anais and Aries on their feet. " Who is this void that she speaks of sir?" Jack asked as he walked up behind Deric and looked down at him.
Deric's smile shifted to a smirk, turning around to lock eyes with Jack as both the males gripped ahold of their handles. " Here's a short version for you, The Strongest fusion of Seven people from the seven celestial families." He said, retracting his hand from the handle.

Deric turned his back to Jack, walking over to Anais and Aries before he bowed in respect of them. " It's good seeing you three doing well, Cthulhu won't be expecting me but I like pissing off my grandfather. " He said, laughing a bit.
The sounds of a bell catching all of their attention which meant it was time for the meeting. " Hold on, Let me fix everyone's clothing so you'll look presentable because Demons like their guests to look decent." He said snapping his fingers, All of their attires and equipment were corrected to their previous state.

Five minutes later, Deric led the apprentices to the meeting hall which Cthulhu and his most trustworthy Demons were located. When Jack entered, A lot of guards started to walk towards him before Anais and Aries stood by his side. " Welcome children of Charles and Isabella, It is my honor of finally meeting my other grandchildren." A voice said, The three witnessing a figure being created out of thin air.
The moment Psycho walked passed the others, Every single guard surrounded him, pointing spears at his face for a specific reason. " Ah yes, The unstable child known as Psycho. Your fate will be decided after we eat.." Cthulhu said, dusting off his tuxedo while water was dripping from his fingertips.

Cthulhu's royal blue eyes stared down Psycho, analyzing his body and his posture. The male slicked back his curly onyx black hair, putting it up into a ponytail. " Now let's start with a proper introduction." He said, running his fingers down his face as two scars ran across both of his eyes while one ran down his neck.

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