Chapter 14 - Unexpected Aid

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The first week back on the ship was good for everyone besides Aries, There were no blood packets for him to feed on. The male was starving to death and no one was willing to offer their blood to help him.  " We have to stop somewhere or his situation will be a bigger problem!" Anais yelled, knocking over all the cups of rum at the dining table.
Jack was upset to see all the liquor go to waste, looking down at Anais before gazing at the soldiers. " You heard her maggots, Find the nearest town so we won't have a rampaging Vampire in the next day or two." He said, holding his cup of rum out of reach from Anais so she wouldn't knock it away.

Meanwhile in Aries cabin, The male was wrapped up in his blankets as his body was shaking. " Fooood..." He said, gazing at the claw marks across the wall and doorway.
Aries looked at his hands, it seemed that his own vision was betraying him as his hands were three times their regular size.
" I must feast..." He said, forcing himself out of bed as he took a single step towards the door. The second step caused him to fall unconscious, making a loud thud which made the soldiers patrolling around his room scared.

All of a sudden, The lanterns in Aries room were blown out by something. A pair of silver eyes appeared amidst the darkness of the room, looking around till gazing upon Aries's unconscious body. " The runt is helpless." A voice said, the eyes changing to a dark shade of crimson.
A loud knock caught this figures attention, analyzing the force being applied informed it that this person was Anais. " Aries, We found a town on the map and it should take us a few days to reach it. I'll check on you in the morning." Anais said, walking away from the door.

The second after Anais walked away, All of the lanterns were lighted again as Psycho was the one towering over Aries's unconscious body. " Lucky I have a nice side." He said, kneeling down to pick up Aries.
Psycho could feel how weak Aries was, The male placed his left hand on Aries's forehead and could tell the small male had a fever.
" Let's get you back in bed, I'll do my best to fix this situation." Psycho said, placing Aries in the middle of the bed so he could have a spot to sit.

Twelve hours later, Aries woke up to the sight of Psycho holding him with his left arm. The scent of blood caught his attention, gazing over to see three-pint bags of blood. " Y-You actually care about me..." Aries said softly, noticing three fish skeletons which signified Psycho had to eat before doing this.
" Y-You wouldn't mind if I do this right?" Aries said, scooting closer to Psycho's neck as it looked like a full course meal to the small male.

Aries opened his mouth, The fangs growing in size as he bit down on Psycho's neck as he was finally able to get a better taste of his blood. " It's so sweet even though he's sour." Psycho didn't move, It seemed the male was in a deep sleep due to lack of blood.
Aries forced himself off of Psycho, licking his lips while his face was a dark shade of red.
" T-Thank you for the treat Psycho." He said, shaking his head as he realized what he had just done.

The entire time Aries was draining Psycho of his blood, Anais was watching him with a plate of cinnamon rolls. " Uhhhh, I can come back later Aries." Anais said, heading towards the door before it was slammed shut by something. " I guess I slept longer then I expected." Psycho said, looking at each of them before pushing himself off of the bed.
The male stumbled for a brief second, moving after waking up isn't a good idea for most people.

" So uh Psycho, How did you escape confinement when we have soldiers guarding the door every hour?" Anais said, placing the plate of cinnamon rolls on the table. Psycho kneeled down, grabbing ahold of the fish skeletons before tossing them out of the window. " Ventilation system, I can travel within the Black mist if I focus hard enough." Psycho said, walking over to the plate of cinnamon rolls and grabbed one.

Aries's mind was in a cluster, embarrassed that Anais witnessed him sucking on Psychos neck. The male didn't even say a word as he walked over to grab a cinnamon roll. " So Psy, Why did you help Aries out?" Anais said, taking a bite out of a roll.
Psycho shrugged, taking a bite out of a roll before glancing over at Aries. " I rather have everyone in their best shape to be honest." He said, knowing very well that his body was in the worst shape it's been in for years.

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