Chapter 2: The Display Of Power

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The king removed his rings and bracelets from his person, Debating to toss them aside on the ground or at them" You four will be our messengers for peace, We've been receiving threats from our fellow Kingdoms so in return to them. I'd like to ask for peace not violence but achieve peace at all costs even if it means killing some people." He stood up and kept his eyes focused on the four, He cracked his knuckles before grinning at them" I'd like a display of each of y'alls current power. Nothing will be damaged inside here since magical seals protect the valuable things."

Jack was the first to stand which gave off the feeling that he'd be going first and he was gonna make it big. Grinning behind the iron mask, The huge male stood still and his motive shifted from respect to being serious about this request from his king. The male even tossed aside his bottle of whiskey which shattered on the floor. The shield of his fell onto the floor and his hands reached for the sword sheathed on his back. As the beast of iron left its sheath another hand joined it, soon as the tip of the blade broke free from its sheath a blood-curdling roar broke out from the once drunk man, With the blade resting in his hands this previously slow giant sprinted forward with incredible speed, and after letting out another deafening roar, He slammed the blade against the wall.

So much force and power were displayed in that attack but into that attack, it caused a shockwave so violently that it shoved everyone in the room back a few inches including the king. It even destroyed anything that wasn't protected by a magical enhancement. " Oopsh" was the only thing uttered as he returned the blade to its sheath which was now strapped inside his shield. He stared down at the bottle of whiskey like a child that lost their toy "Mishter Kinnnnggg, May I pleasssshe get another dshrink?"

The king's reaction was excited of how far Jacks grown, He smiled at the male" Of course but wait after everyone else is done displaying if you don't mind Jack." Aries rolled his eyes, pulling out a small branch from his side and stood in the middle of the room with his back nearly touching the door " He wants something showy like that?" He uttered under his breath. He whipped his branch this way and that until some bright blue symbol appeared in the air before him. It spun once as out came a teal tiger which had six eyes and two tails. It jumped away from its summoner before roaring, Its eyes locking onto the others in the room and took off for them until Aries whistled made it come to a complete stop in its tracks. The beast turned back with a snarl and leaped towards him but instead of moving the male stuck out his hand.

The beast coming to another stop and the male's hand was resting on its nose" Sit" Aries commanded. Out of all the times, the beast could've chosen to disobey his summoner now was its time. The tiger attempted to bite him and simply resulted in being smacked back with the small branch which resulted in the tiger sitting." Now, Into your cage." The tiger hissed after the portal opened which was to let it back inside it. With a soft sigh, Aries returned to his original spot" I apologize, My King. That would've been better if I'd had properly performed its summoning, I'll do better next time." The King's smile didn't fade with true failure of the summoning " Everyone messes up every now and then Aries, You'll do better next time, I know it." Jack looked in every direction for the teal tiger and even peaked behind Psycho's body. His words remain to be slurring symbolizing he's drunk again " wheresh the kittshy go?"

Anais was wasting no time to display her current state of power while jack was worrying about the tiger. Pieces of rubble left behind from Jack's display began to rise, arranging themselves into large totem-like objects. She stood with her hand stretched out in front of her, her ponytail rising slightly as power began to flow through her elegant frame. All traces of an immature apprentice had washed away as her brows creased with focus. Once all the totem-like objects had been fully formed, she released her whip. She had already attached the blade in advance due to Psychos presence, and blue flames flickered down the length of the whip in a snake-like movement. Her body moved throughout the targets in a flurry of quick and precise attacks. It was over in a matter of moments, the targets now reduced to a flaming pile of pebbles.

She then curtsied to the king and returned to her place, snapping her whip back up onto her hip." Excellent job Anais, Seems Letai has been keeping your training difficult." A generous smile formed on her face until Psycho walked past all three of them. The king sat down, Three loud booms came from his stomps which signaled seven guards to enter the room and surround Psycho " Whoever kills him will be allowed to join these three on their journey. A lot of money will be rewarded including women or men if you so choose. But first, take those horns of his then bring me his corpse!" Psycho eyes widened with fear, The thought of losing his horns would be equal to a man losing his privates.

A spearman rushed up to him without hesitation, His footing and his breath would be his greatest enemy. Four long jabs costed him stamina but those four jabs did do something successful, Ripping the cloth from the straight jacket that kept him contained was starting to get worse. " You are nothing but a puppet for this kingdom, Those horns will benefit us all!!" Screamed the male when he charged at Psycho one last time. Psychos eyes were flickering from its natural crimson color to silver while the male charged recklessly. The entire jacket was ripped to shreds, The spear closing in on his shoulder so he'd be pinned down. His right hand grabbed ahold of the tip of the spear, Black mist was seeping from underneath his mask and it seemed he wasn't in a good mood anymore.

The tip of the blade was now being bent backwards which shocked even the king" A blade will break before it even bends, Seems I went overboard for his display, oh well I'll get new guards anyway." The mist started to seep inside the male's nostrils causing it to clog his windpipe. Eventually, the male fell onto the floor, His body seemed lifeless but he was unconscious from lack of air. Psycho looked at him, A sinister smile was forming behind that mask of his until two aggressive stomps to the side of his skull. His head looked like a deflated soccer ball when Psycho was finished with him. The mist spiraled around the body's location, psycho faded into the mist like It was apart of him instead of a magic spell. The body was launched out of the mist and crashed into two people causing them to scream in fear. The female wielding a shield and a short sword kept her distance from the mist but that was her biggest mistake so far.

The sound of a twig snapping was the only thing heard besides the two dramatic guards screaming over a body. The female fell onto the ground, Her neck was snapped without any struggling from her. Everyone's eyes shifted to him, His left hand gripped ahold of the mask covering his face before it was ripped off." You must see who kills you." Those words sounded different and the voice speaking wasn't his natural voice. Aries's eyes light up with embarrassment, His heartbeat going faster than usual" Is this what they call love at first sight ." He was swooning over this killer who had no remorse for anyone he faced.

The midnight hair color, The dark crimson eyes which showed a passion for killing and surviving. The scars shown on his chest and forearms made it worse for Aries position. Psycho stomped on the edge of the shield which caused it to fly upwards until he launched it at the two screaming. He reached down to grab ahold of the sword before he sprinted at them, Every step was like a melody beat inside his head which made his motives more intensifying. The sword slammed into the male on the left, As the blade made contact with his body, He let out a scream for mercy but was silenced-as his head was removed from his body once his pitch grew louder.

The other male was quickly silenced with the shield to the side of his temple. After he fell onto the ground, His head was being bashed into the marble floor by Psycho whom was using the shield to his desire" Three..." That word slowly lift his lips as the remaining three went back to back Incase he'd be coming at them. The same black mist from earlier started swirling around them like a mini-tornado, The male slowly entered the tornado, and as he entered, His teeth grinded against one another to create a spark, The spark caused the mist to exploded in an instant. Magical barriers kept the explosion from going any farther then it needed to be.

In the remains of the mist, His outline could be seen eating a person's hand slowly. The sound of raw flesh being chewed by him almost caused the king to throw up his breakfast" Very well Psycho" Aries clapping shocked Anais, She looked at the small male in confusion " Wonderful Psycho!!!" His face flushed a dark shade of red when Psycho looked at him through the mist.

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