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July, 5th 00:01

"Time runs short. You must awaken. You must awaken now!"

Spirit's eyes open wide, as she wakes up with a gasp. The silver suited hero quickly noticed that she was in a glass case, her hands and feet were restrained by metal. Spirit looked at her surroundings to see that her fellow sidekicks were all in the same situation she was, and Superboy was staring at them.

"What? What- what do you want?" Kid Flash, questioned the clone angrily not liking that he was looking at them like that. "Quit staring. You're creeping me out."

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look," Robin tells the speedster, wanting very much not to become fried sidekicks...

"We only sought to help you," Aqualad tells the Superboy.

"Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us." Kid Flash spats. "How's that for grat--"

"Hey!" Spirit snaps at the older boy. "We can't blame him for anything he did. I told you we should have waited for the Justice League because we don't know what these Cadmus freaks have put into his mind. But no... no one listens to the ladies in their life, because no, life would be some much simpler and not so messed up." 

"Wha- what if I." Superboy begins, causing Spirit's expression to soften. "What if I wasn't?"

"He can talk?" Kid says, Spirit glares at her friend with confusion.

"Yes, he can," Superboy growls with his fist clenched.

Kid looks at his three friends as they all send him a look. "It's not like I said it."

"And people say your name before mine's," Spirit mumbles with an eye roll.

"The genomorphs taught you telepathically." Aqualad states.

"They taught me much," Superboy replies. "I can read, write. I- I know the names of things."

Spirit snorts, "That's more than I can say. I still don't know how to spell a lot of things, and I don't even know the name to those large flying things in the sky that carry people."

"But have you seen them?" Robin addresses Superboy, ignoring Spirit. "Have they ever actually let you see the sky or the sun?"

But Kid Flash looks over to Spirit with a confused look. "Spirit, do you mean airplanes?"

"Yes! Airplanes, that's what they're called. Thank you!" Spirit exclaimed with a smile.

"And she wonders why we don't listen to her." Kid whispers to himself.

"Images are implanted in my mind, but no." Superboy answers, he looks down. "I have not seen them."

"Do you know what you are, who you are?" Aqualad asks him,

"I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman created to replace him should he perish... to destroy him should he turn from the light..."

"Ooo. That turned dark real quick." Spirit giggled, with a wide smile. "But hey supey, has it ever entered your mind that Superman is you... know in. des. That guy can't just perish or be destroyed."

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration. But like Superman, you deserve a life of your own, beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad says quickly after Spirit, not wanting Superboy to dwell too much on what the wind-powered hero says.

"I live because of Cadmus It is my home!" Superboy yells at the four.

"Yo, chill out bro," Spirit says, with a wide grin.

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now