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August 27; 06:17 EDT

In Gotham City, the team has just been taken down by none other than Clayface. Aqualad being the only one conscious before Clayface could do any more harm to the team's leader. Batman comes crashing through the ceiling, throwing two Batarang into the clay of Clayface. The arm of the villain blows off, Clayface slams his still fulling formed arm down at Batman but the dark knight just pulled a taser and zapped the clay monster. And Clayface just turns to mush.


August 27; 07:58 EDT

"I need to talk to Aqualad," Batman says in his deep, serious voice. "The rest of you hit the shower and head home."

"Head home? I am home." Superboy retorts with some attitude.

"Just Aqualad," Batman tells his sidekick as Robin stayed by Aqualad side.

Spirit hanged back for Robin to catch up with her. "I don't think we did that bad. It could have gone a lot worst. We could have died or gotten injured. No one seriously hurt, which is shocking because we always get thrown into walls and hard things. You would think that one of us would get somewhat hurt. Like, break our backs, arms, legs. Like something." Robin just walked not saying anything to Spirit, the young girl looked at her friends with a frown. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh?" Robin looked at the girl with confused, but then corrected himself. "Oh, nothing. Go on talking about your nonsense."

Marie smiled at him, "Okay don't you think it's weird? I mean I understand, Superboy, M'gann, Aqualad, and maybe Wally. But you, Artemis, and maybe me, don't really have healing factors or whatever that's called. I haven't gotten seriously hurt that I had to know that I had healing powers."


August 27; 8:22 PDT

Hal was forcing Marie to go back to school shopping, and she was not feeling it. Marie didn't want to go back to school, she just wanted to stay home all day and not any type of work. She wanted to be a full-time hero and not go to work.

"Marie you have to at least a bookbag," Hal said to the thirteen years old.

"Why would I need a bag if I'm not going." Marie retorts with raised brows.

"Come on you're a teenager. Grow up." Hal told her. "You need school. I don't care if you didn't go to school in your other universe. We're in this universe. And if you don't go to school, they're going to take you away and take you to another family that will take you to school."

"They can't do that," Marie exclaimed,

"Yes, yes they can. Search it up." Hal nodded his head. "Now Carol is waiting for you."

"You're not coming with?" Marie questioned.

"I'm not going to school, you are," Hal told her. "Why should I be tortured with shopping." Marie rolled her eyes at her mentor before walking away from him. "How come everyone else gets a happy bubbly Marie. But I get the moody teenager anytime I talk to you."

"You're not exciting!" Marie answered back as she closes the door behind her.

Marie and Carol had made it to the shopping mall, and Carol had already had a few places she had in mind to take the young teenager.

"You know you should give Hal a little break about school," Carol told Marie.

"I know, I'm sorry." Marie looked at the floor, but before she could explain further she felt stare on her and Carol. Marie looked behind to see that there was no one there, but the stare did not fade from her feeling. Marie shook off the feeling and kept talking to Carol. "Uh, it's just school is hard. I'm so behind the others, and they don't hold back when letting me know."

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें