Mhm, Interesting

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October 23; 17:21 EDT

It has been a week since the incident and everyone was still upset. Even Marie's talk with Hal did help a little she still felt like she didn't belong on the team. Wotan's words about her from weeks ago started ringing in the back of her ever since the exercise last week. She couldn't help but feel like she didn't match with this world's look in life. Like she's didn't fit its style of humor and seriousness. Marie sat on the kitchen counter as she played with her fingers.

Marie was next after Artemis for her session with Black Canary. Marie was not looking forward to talking with the Leaguer, but not as much as the rest of the team was dreading it.

"Marie, I know you." Black Canary told the thirteen-year-old after they had sat in silence for about two minutes. "And this is longest you haven't talked."

"It's- It's just," Marie tries to speak but her words get caught in her throat. " I don't where to start. Everything is happening. And I can't think straight. For the past week, all that has been on my mind is that I don't belong. All I'm thinking is that I don't match with the team. That I have no place on the team."

"Marie," Black Canary started with a pitied look. "You may not be from this universe but you do belong here, even if you don't think so. You are a major part of many people's lives here, and who would be sad to see you go back home. Your mentor, Green Lantern, Kid Flash, Robin, you're their best friend. Annabelle's very fond of you as well. The rest of the team as well. They all will miss you."

"Some best friend and teammate I am." Marie scoffs. "They don't even know that I'm not from here."

"Why haven't you told them? Not even Robin and Kid Flash?" Canary asked her.

"So they'll know that I don't belong?" Marie retorts.

"They wouldn't think that you don't belong," Canary told her. "As I said, you're their best friend. Even without knowing much about you. But I know Robin and Kid Flash have trusted you with some of their secrets. I know that Robin had convinced Batman to allow him to tell you his secret identity."

"Yeah, but he told Wally as well."

"But he also told you." Canary retorts with a smile. "He could have told Wally and told him not to tell you that he knows."

"Yeah, but he wouldn't do that-"

"And why's that?" Canary smirked, Marie looked down at her feet with a blush as Canary backed her into a corner. "You should tell them. They won't judge you, look at Superboy and Ms. Martian they're aliens and they're treated just the same."

"Yeah but they're from this universe." Marie counters.

"And so are you. Marie, you may have born in another universe, but this is your home. I'm going to tell you again. You belong here."

Marie nods. "I just- I don't think I'm ready to tell them just yet."

"Think about letting at least Robin and Kid Flash know," Canary tells her. "Maybe even Nightingale, I know that she misses hanging out with you. I saw that you got the staff she sent you through the mail."

"Yeah," Marie smiled. "I told her about wanting one, I didn't think that she would get it for me."

"She told me that she was going to give one," Canary told her. "That one she gave you was one of her own. She didn't want it to go to waste while she's taking a break of crime-fighting for school."


October 23; 15:00 PDT

Marie knocked on the door of the home her friend, Marie took a seat back as she waits for Anna to answer.

"Marie?" Anna questioned confused when she saw the young teen at her doorstep. "Don't you have to be with the team with Aunt Dinah?"

"Um, yeah. I just finished over there. She said I should tell you something." Marie told her. "Well, she said I should tell everyone, especially Robin and Wally but I feel more comfortable telling you first though."

Anna smiled at the girl, before opening the door fully. "Well, why don't you come in and tell me. This feels like a juicy secret."

Marie walked into the house with her eyes on the floor, Anna guided her friend to the living room, it was decorated with little birds. The canaries and all. Marie smiled at this.

"So what's the big secret that you don't want to tell Robin and Wally?" Anna asked as she gets comfortable on her couch. "Is it your obvious crush on Robin?"

"What? I don't have a crush on Robin." Spirit denies.

"Keep telling yourself that, but get on with your secret." Anna smiles at her. "I can't handle the suspense anymore."

"Um-" Marie tried to start but she doesn't know how to start. "See you got me all confused! I don't even know how to start to tell you."

"Okay, okay. I'll help you." Anna told her. "Repeat after me. I like Robin."

"I DON'T LIKE ROBIN!" Marie screamed,

"Really." Anna laughed. "That's not what Artemis was telling me. She told me that you were totally glaring at him when he was flirting with Zatara's daughter."

"I was not glaring at him." Marie denies. "And why would Artemis tell you. And how do you and Artemis even know each other."

"That is by far the stupidest question I have ever heard you say. And trust me you've said worst." Anna laughed. "How do Artemis and I even know each other? Huh, I don't know Black Canary's niece and sidekick, Green Arrow's niece and sidekick, how would they ever meet?"

Marie turned pink at Anna's comment. "Okay, okay I forgot! But this is not why I'm here."

"Then get on with it. We don't have all day." Anna pushed.

"I'm from another universe," Marie revealed, Anna nodded like it was nothing.

"Yes, I know this. Now get with the secret." Anna told her, Marie glared at her. "I'm kidding, kind of. I know you're from another universe but that's only because I'm smart and everyone else in the world is stupid."

"I hate you sometimes you know that right. I don't know how Canary can live with someone like you." Marie deflates. {Oh, how I love foreshadowing and irony in one place.} "How you figure it out."

"Marie, sweety. No one doesn't know that much about the world." Anna laughed. "Well, maybe aliens. But even then, they know enough that the earth isn't just one landmass surrounded by water."

"Do you think that Robin knows?" Marie asks. Anna chuckles.

"I love how you just assume that Robin is at my level of intelligence," Anna said. "But here's I think knows but they could not. I think that could Kaldur and Rob figure it out. Maybe I don't know, it all depends. I think that Flash could have slipped to Wally. But I think that no one is going to care that you're from another world and you're being dramatic."

"Wow, were you always this way and I missed something? Or something to you?" Marie questioned the older teen.

"Sorry, I've been tutoring this girl, who's in the foster system. She's a bit of a bitch and very vocal about her opinions, I guess she's rubbing off on me." Anna told her. "I don't why she's in tutoring, she's doesn't need it. She's literally a kid genius and she knows it and won't let you forget it. It's funny though, she has the same last name as you. Alya Jordan."

"Mhm, interesting." Marie nods.

"Well, hey don't let anything I say to heart. I'm just a jerk." Anna tells her. "Tell the boys when you feel is right. When feel you should tell them, do it right then and there. Do seconds thoughts just do it?" 

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