Today's the Day!

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July 4th; 9:52 PDT

"Move it or lose it, Glow Stick!" Green Lantern and his protegé, Spirit, Marie Jordan, flew through the skies of Coast City. The sandy-haired girl called out to her mentor. "I'm not going to be late because of your lazy butt."

"Okay, okay. Calm down will ya. They're not going to start without us." Green Lantern said as he finally catches up to the twelve-year-old.

"I will not calm down, Today's the day!" Spirit exclaimed after she did a little flip in the air with excitement.


July 4; 13:59 EDT

Green Lantern and Spirit had finally arrived at the Hall of Justice, with seconds to spare, "See what I tell ya, and we aren't even the last ones here."

Spirit noticed that he was right, they weren't the last to arrive. Aquaman, Aqualad, Batman, Robin, Green Arrow, and Speedy were already there, but no Canary, Nightingale, Flash, and/ or Kid Flash.

The youngest protegé furrowed her brows at this, she turned her head to Green Arrow. "No, Gale?"

"She had to do something for school." Green Arrow told her, Spirit nodded, as she felt some type of way that Nightingale wasn't going to be here with her.

Before she could question where Kid Flash was, there was a whoosh from behind, Kid and his mentor Flash were behind them. "Oh man, I knew we'd be the last ones here."

The ten superheroes start to walk towards the Hall, passing the reporters and the civilians as they walk.

"Is that Batman?" Someone asked

"Oh, goodness." Another person whispers.

"I see Flash and Flash Jr." A woman called out causing Spirit to hold her laugh.

"His name's Speedy. Duh." Some dude objects, causing Spirit to giggle. Green Lantern nudged her, then gave her a look. To which Spirit just pouted.

"No, Speedy's Green Arrow's sidekick."Someone else corrected them.

"Well, that makes no sense." The guy says.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum." Green Arrow questioned his sidekick.

"Born that way," Speedy replied with a smile.

Spirit was ecstatic, of course, she has been the Hall once before when she first arrived in this universe. But it was all the more exciting this time due to the nature of this trip. This was the first step to becoming members of the Justice League. Spirit began to stop walking and just decided to start floating next to Green Lantern as they moved closer to the Hall of Justice.

"I'm glad we are here," Aqualad says to the others.

"Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place, at the same time?" Kid Flash questioned as he looked at the five of them.

"Don't call us sidekicks not after today." Speedy harshly corrects Kid Flash.

Spirit glares at the older sidekick but also proceeds to correct Kid Flash. "And not all six of us are here."

"Sorry, First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed." Kid Flash apologies with a smile.

"You're overwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Robin asked, as they finally reach the doors to the Hall, as they enter the building Robin looks up to see the giant statues of the founding members of the Justice League. " Oh, maybe that's why."

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant