I Named Him Rocky

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December 12; 17:23 EST

"I hate everything!" Marie exclaimed as she walked into the kitchen.

"What happens to you?" Connor asked her.

"Jessica's family happen to me!" Marie told him, she took a seat next to Wally. "GL was great at Thanksgiving but they still think that he's neglecting me. He's been trying to be more present to throw them off our case, but Mrs. Cruz, freak out when she saw the bruise I had gotten two days ago from Sinestro when he attacked Coast City. She asked me how I got it and everything. I had to lie and tell her I had fallen down the stairs. But I'm sick and tired of her being all up in mine and Hal's business!"

"Maybe Green Lantern should go over and tell the truth of you not really being his daughter," Robin suggests.

"You lie about not being related to Green Lantern?" M'gann questions Marie.

"Yes, because of less paperwork to fake." Marie waves it off casually. "But how is that going to fix anything! It'll probably just make it worse. They'll turn it around or something about him kidnapping me or something."

"Robin, Kid Flash, Zatanna, Spirit, and Aqualad report to mission room." Batman's voice ordered through the PA system.

"There have been multiples earthquakes coming from an unnamed island hundred miles off the coast of California." Batman starts, "We have reason to believe that this the doing of a recent escape convent of Belle Reve, Eiram Nipan. Who has the ability to manipulate earth and stone. She was detained by Green Lantern and Spirit a few months ago when she attacked Coast City."

"Excuse me, attack Coast City?" Spirit scoffed. "She barely got past the school."

"How did she escape Belle Reve no one gets out of that place," Zatanna questioned.

"Warden Hugo Strange does not know, neither does the league," Batman tells them, Spirit brings her hand to her mouth and began to chew her nail as Batman continues to tell the team what he knows. "Strange says that there was a flash of light throughout the whole prison, and Eiram was gone right after."

"Magic?" Kid Flash questioned.

"Maybe." Zatanna hummed.

"Your mission is to go the island and see if Eiram is the cause of the earthquakes," Batman tells them.


December 12; 15:09 PST

The bio-ship landed on the island with Robin piloting it, Spirit chewed on nails as she and Kid Flash exited the bio-ship to make a perimeter. But when Spirit rounded the corner to go back to the bioship to report all clear she was stopped by a giant stone being.

"Oh hell no," Spirit said as she looks at the monster with wide eyes. She presses her earpiece. "Spirit to Aqualad. Sooo, not clear." The stone monster swung his fist down towards Spirit, and the teen jumped out of the way. "Woah, there Rocky! Let's talk this out." Spirit takes off quickly away from Rocky. "There is a giant rock monster chasing me, I named him Rocky, but he is not friendly, Ah!" A tree passed right by her, almost hitting her. Spirit steers right away from where the tree had passed her "Not friendly at all!"

"Hold tight." Aqualad told her, "We will be right there."

"Why are you running from it?" Kid Flash asked her. "Fight it."

"I'm sorry, what am I supposed to do to a Stone monster?" Spirit retorts. "Blow it out like a candle?" Spirit turned around facing Rocky, she outstretched her hand, creating a pillar of air shooting out from under the stone being, launching it into the air. "Ha! Take that." It fell back to the ground, crumbling at the BOOM! Of the ground. "Is that all you got Eiram!" Spirit shouts into the sky with her hands out to the side.

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