What's Mr. Original Doing Here?

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December 5, 17:03 EST

"Recognized Spirit, B-0-5" Marie walked into the cave while eating an apple, when she saw the team she noticed that instead of Batman and Robin, Green Arrow and Red Arrow were there.

"What's Mr. Original doing here?" Marie questioned, pointing at Red Arrow with disgust written on her face.

Before they could answer her the zeta tube went on, "Recognize Artemis B-0-7" Artemis appeared in the zeta tube.

"Artemis. Just in time." Green Arrow address Artemis as Marie tosses the core of her apple away. "Look who's agreed to join the Team."

"Finally!" Wally cheered.

"Sure, Team's needed a real archer," Artemis says, Marie and Wally looked at weirdly.

"Now wait a minute," Marie stopped in her tracks. "What happened to, not wanting to join the Junior Justice League? We're finally cool enough for you? Why did we let him in, he didn't want us, why should we want him now?"

"Okay, people, listen up." Green Arrow said, ignoring what Artemis and Marie said. "The Dynamic Duo's on a case in Gotham, but Batman gave me a heads up. Sportsmaster was spotted coming through Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport."

"In Full costumes?" Zatanna asked. "Nervy."

"In street clothes." Green Arrow replies. "Facial recognition software picked up the ID. Find out what he's up to."

"All of us?" Connor questioned, pointed out.

"There's like ten million of us now. I think we will be all on top of each other when I can take out that loser, myself." Marie says pointing out herself with pride.

"Perhaps a small squad." Red Tornado suggests, "Ms. Martian's camouflage abilities seem ideal."

"Thought the sidekicks, sorry, ex-sidekicks could suit up on thi, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Spirit, and Red Arrow." Green Arrow told them.

"Urgh." Marie groaned, crossing her arms.

"Good. Stakeouts make me crazy." Connor says.

"We could use the night off," M'gann adds.

"I want in," Artemis tells him. "With M'gann and Robin out, no one's logged more hours piloting the Bio-ship."

"Artemis, are you sure?" Green Arrow asks her.

"Absolutely," Artemis assures.

"Wait, why isn't Artemis already on the mission?" Marie questioned. "She is a sidekick, is she not?"

Kid Flash, Spirit, and Artemis were in the front, while Aqualad and Red Arrow were everything set in the back. Kid Flash turned his chair to face Artemis.

"Uh, this could wind up being one of those things that sounds better in my head than out loud," Kid Flash started out nervously, "but... you are a real archer." Artemis gave him unimpressed look, Spirit turned her head away from their conversation as Kid Flash tries to save himself. "No, I mean, I'm jazzed about Red Arrow. Uh, we go way back, you know. But you. You've made your own place on The Team. You've nothing to prove. Not to me?

" Not to me either." Marie jumped in, turning back around. "Just wanted to put that out there."

"Okay?" Kid Flash asked Artemis.

"Okay," Artemis told him, The speedster turned back around in his chair to face the front."And Wally?" Artemis called out to him, and he turns to her. "It sounded fine out loud." Spirit held back her squeals at the cuteness that had just happened.

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now