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Coast City

September 16; 14:31 PDT

Marie and Jessica were sitting in a random classroom looking at a small plant, both with conflicted expressions. Jessica was the first to speak about the sad-looking plant. "It's very..."

"Awesome!" Marie exclaimed with a grin, holding it up as if it was something so great. "It's our first-ever member of our plant family! What's should name it?"

"We should name it something cool," Jessica tells her matching her smile. "Some legendary, catchy, something that will stand out? Oh! We should combine our names!"

"Oh, Messica! Or Jarie? Oh, oh, how bout, Mass!"Marie suggests names left and right.

"I love it! Mass it is!" Jessica exclaims. {I know that this is not the way that Jessica is portrayed in the comic, I'm taking more in the way that she is taken in DC's superhero girls, and even then I'm taking more of my take on the character. Don't hate, she's thirteen in this. Things happen to her that changes her as an adult that hasn't happen yet. So I could be very much accurate with her.}

"Okay, okay." Marie giggles. "I hereby name you Mass the plant, as our first plant family member of our Gardening Club!"

"Yay, we now have two human members and one plant member of our gardening club. By this rate, we will be the most joined group in the school!" Jessica joked with a laugh, which Marie joined in.

"Okay, the meeting adjourned." Marie slammed her hand into the table below her, playfully.

"Do not you mean motion to begin the meeting?" Jessica giggles. "Meeting adjourned means the meeting's over."

"Oh, alright! Motion to begin the meeting!?"

"I motion to start the meeting." Jessica states, "Now you ask if anyone seconds it."

"But who will second it?" Marie whispers back, to which Jessica just shrugs. "Okay, any seconds?... I SECOND IT. Let's get this meeting rolling! The first order of business was to name and welcome our new member but we did that already. Welcome Mass! The Second-order of business is that Ms. Blackwell has given the back of the classroom to be our garden and we can put whatever want back there. Even the flowers that Fiona is allergic too. Third-order of business is that there is none."

"So meeting adjourned?" Jessica questions.


"So what are you doing later today?" Jessica asked her friend as they walk out of the building together. "My mom is having dinner for my and Sara's new friends. And I was wondering if you and your dad could come to dinner. I'm sorry it's so last minute I just forgot to let you. You're just such a fast pace person it's hard to keep up with sometimes. You're talking about one thing one minute and then a second later you're like ten subjects changes."

"Um... I think we can make it. Ha- Dad doesn't have to work today, I don't think. But he may get a call to do something." Marie thinks for a second. "But I'll be sure to ask him. I'll give you a call to let you know, if not."

Jessica nods with a smile, as she backs away from Marie and towards her mother's car who just pulled up. "It's okay if you can't make I'm the one who didn't tell you on time."

"No, you're good. The last-minute is kind of our thing too." Marie nods. "Well, Jess I'll see you later."

"Hey, do you not have a ride home?" Jessica asked before Marie could walk away. Marie shakes her head.

"No, we don't have a car so we just walk everywhere." Marie lies, not about the car thing, but the walking part.

"If you want my mom wouldn't mind taking you home," Jessica suggested, Marie awkwardly looked down at her feet not knowing how to respond to Jessica's offer.

"It's fine, I don't live far from here. And it would just take your mother out of the way." Marie declines, with a small smile.

"Oh okay. Be safe." Jessica nods, and the two girls turn away from each other but as they did thunders boom was heard. Marie looked up with a slightly panicked look, to see Eiram in the flesh. The villain started throwing boulders destroying everything in sight.

"Oh no," Marie whispers, then a boulder came flying at Jessica. The teen hero jumped into action pushing her friend out of the way.

"Oh my god!" Jessica exclaimed with fear. "You just save my life!"

"You need to get to your car," Marie ordered, pushing Jessica up from the ground. "Like now!"

"What about you?" Jessica asked with fear evicted in her voice.

"I'll be fine," Marie told her with a nod. "Trust me."

Jessica hesitates with a nod, before taking off to her mother's car. When she got into the car they zoom away in the car. Marie lets out a breath of relief before running off into the school to get changed.

"Where is the hero that calls herself, Spirit!?" Eiram shouts, Marie thanks the lord that Eiram has decided to start calling her by her hero name.

After a few moments, Spirit arrives on the scene, with her chest puffed. "You want me? Oh what an honor. Usually, the bad guys are like, 'Bring me Green Lantern'" Spirit mocks a deep voice. "No Spirit insight, you know. So having a supervillain after just me is a dream."

"Last time we've met I underestimated you." Eiram sheered, glaring at the young girl. "Not anymore."

Eiram went to launch her attacks at the young hero but before she could a green construct formed around her, Spirit smirked at the woman as Eiram's expression from one of pure hate to pure confusion. Eiram looked around that she was in a green box with nowhere to go.

Green Lantern flew down beside Spirit in eye line with Eiram, "So this is Eiram?"

"Yep, I guess she didn't account for you joining in the fight?" Spirit questions with a nod.

"You little coward!" Eiram screamed. "You can't fight your own fights!"

"Says you. You ran the last time we fought!" Spirit retorts.

"And Spirit and I are a team. We fight most of our battles together when we can." Green Lantern adds.

"But you don't take me to space," Spirit tells him with a huff.

"What are you going to do in space?" Green Lantern retorts.

"Fight crime like you."

"Hate to break it to you, kid, but you're not apart of the Green Lantern corp. Not much to do when you're not apart of the Lantern corp." Green Lantern tells.

"Oh boo." Spirit pouts with her arms cross.

"No what are we going to do with her?" Green Lantern asked her.

"Belle Reve?" Spirit questioned.

"You don't want to question her on what she knows about your past?" Green Lantern suggests. "On if Ninjago is destroyed? Why we can't back there"

"You think that Ninjago is destroyed." Eiram laughed. "No you idiots, we have no control over where we go. Those portals just pop up and take us where ever they like with no care of what we want. They can pop up whenever, tomorrow, today, next week, twenty years from now. This wasn't just a one-time thing, Marie. This is our whole lives, just being from ripped from world to world. This isn't your first universe hop and it won't be your last."

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now