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Hello! Welcome! So here's the basic rundown! 

I do not own Young Justice! OR any of the characters of Young Justice! You know how we know this! Because Marie would so be apart of the show in the first place! 

Also yes! I know! Marie, Mari , I know what you're thinking, this girl totally just named her character after herself. And you are correct! I created Marie when I first started writing, and her name will not change, believe me, I've tried to change her name. She just slips into two! I tried changing her name to Alya... you'll see how that ended later. And then I tried to change her name to Cassi, and that just turned into a whole different story idea. So I've given up on changing her name, soooo her name remains Marie. Yes, I've come to terms with it, hopefully. 

Yep, a whole bunch of useless information for you there. Also!


This is so not edited! If you see any mistakes and if you want, I don't care, either way, you can point out any grammar mistakes. I will be going back through this editing it over time hopefully. But I've been trying to write this story for the longest time. So I wanted to just post it anyway no matter the outcome because I just want to finish the story that has been on my mind for the past five years! 

So thank you for deciding to read my fanfiction, very much appreciated! Hopefully, I didn't scare you all away with bad grammar, and my character being named after me! 

Love to all the lovely and beautiful people reading this! <3

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now