Most People In School Suck

105 4 0

Coast City

September 7; 07:23 PDT

"So this lady just came out of nowhere calling you Marie Lupin, and says that you two are one and the same?" Hal questions his protege, as they walk towards the middle school.

"Yeah, how many times do I have to tell you this. Her name is Eiram Nipul. She's said that anything that happens to me, happens to her but in the opposite way." Marie explains with a sigh. " But this happened ten days ago, and nothing else has happened since then so can we just forget about her and move on with our lives. She's just a crazy lady."

"I would think you would get excited about her showing up." Hal retorts. "From what we know, she's from another universe and you said that she knows about Ninjago. Maybe she knows how to get to and from these universes."

"No." Marie shakes her head. "She doesn't know anything. She's trying to get back home too. But not to Ninjago. Somewhere else. But the way she talked about Ninjago is like we weren't from there and we were from something else."

"Maybe she knows those sixteen years you're missing?" Hal suggests.

"Maybe." Marie nods. "But I have other things to worry about right now. Like this prison, you parents, love to see your youth too."

"Marie," Hal warned as they reached the school.

"You know you didn't have to walk me here, right," Marie stated with a glare. "Make me look more like a loser than I already am."

"I need to talk to you about this Eiram situation. And you're always busy with the team and then I'm with the League." Hal defends himself, the green lantern turns to leave Marie to walk the rest of the way to the front doors. "Have fun, make friends. And you're not alone. I heard that Superboy and M'gann start school today as well. Why don't you go to the cave today after school and see how they did on their first day ever. Maybe you could help them fit in? You've been in their shoes once, being from another world coming to a new one."

"Like I'm doing such a great job on my own." Marie rolls her eyes.

"Come on, just go talk to them after school, okay." Hal backs away from the girl. "And remember what Carol told you. Gardening club."

"Yeah, yeah." Marie waves him off before walking to the school.

As Marie walks into the school she keeps her down, as she makes her way to her homeroom. When she got her classroom, the teenager took the seat all the way in the back of the room.

"Well, well. Isn't the little it the little hero." Once Marie sat down, Fiona Bayles and her friends came up to her. Marie mentally prepared herself for these barbies to make fools of themselves. "Are you going to stand up for all the losers this year again?"

"Sorry Fiona, but I don't think you need someone to stand up for you. You seem to get your little minions doing the lifting for you." Marie retorts with a grin. "But I appreciate you coming to me for some help."

Fiona glared at the girl, "Oh you think you're so funny, don't you?"

"Not really, I do think I'm entertaining though. Hey, do you think that I'm funny because if you do? I question your sense of humor. I've been told by my friends I just ramble about nonsense, and it's a little annoying at some points when I just go on and on about something that makes no sense or is irrelevant to the moment." Marie says not really looking at the girls as she talks with no purpose.

"You're such a freak." Fiona insult. "How do you have any friends?"

Marie shrugs, "Maybe because they have good taste in people unlike Thing One and Thing Two. Who just befriend a Barbie clone with no personality." Fiona went to give Marie a comeback but the teacher had walked. Marie leaned over her desk with a whisper. "You better get back to your seat, before the teacher sees you talking to me. Ms. Blackwell might think that you're my friend. You don't want that, don't you?"

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