I love monkeys!

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August 3; 13:06 EDT

{So I'm so confused because the last episode ended on August 4th? And now we're back on August 3? But Young Justice you do you boo.}

The team excluding Superboy was standing in the center of the training room around a holographic air hockey table. Aqualad and Kid Flash were the ones playing, Kid has just made the puck pass Aqualad and into his goal, as the redhead ate a banana.

"Recognized, Superboy, B-0-3" The computer announces as the clone appears in the zeta tube. The team looks over to the tube to see Superboy walking in angrily.

"Hi, Superboy. How was metropolis?" Miss Maritan asked with a smile, as he just walks through the air hockey table ignoring her.

"Ready for training, everyone?" Black Canary cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the teen heroes. The first thing they noticed is that Nightingale was by her side, with a bored expression along with Martian Manhunter.

"Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!" Miss Martian greeted the two with glee. She went up to her uncle and hugged him.

"Megan, I was in the neighborhood so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting, "Manhunter said to his niece.

"A few bumps, but I'm learning." Miss Martian replies to the Leaguer.

"That's all I can ask."

Spirit looked at Gale with a grin, she flew up to the sixteen-year-old, as Manhunter talked to his niece. "Are you here to join the team, even out the ratio? Three to four instead of two to four?"

"No," Gale shook with her head, "I'm here because Canary is making me before I give the league my 'final' answer."

"She won't even let the league give her a designation." Black Canary told the Lantern protege. The Leaguer than sees Superboy try to leave but she calls out to him. "Stick around. Class is in session."

The floor below them turned white and glowed, as she turns to faces the team, Gale stood with Robin and Spirit, the latter standing next to Miss Martian. "I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentor." Canary goes to take off her jacket but as she does, she feels the pain of one of the more recent wounds. "And my own bruises."

"What happened?" Miss Martian asked Canary with concern.

Gale rolled her eyes at this girl, as her mentor answers the martian. "The job."

"Yeah, not all of us have accelerated healing." Gale murmurs as she side glances the five superpowered teens in the room, who she just assumes all have super healing or is just plain out indestructible.

"For who those who don't know my protege, this is Nightingale." Canary gestures to the girl next to Spirit. "She will be joining us today."

"Against my will." Gale murmurs

 "Now, combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms." Canary continues. "You should always be acting never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner."

"Right here. Yeah!" Kid Flash raises his hand, with his mouth full of food. He moves forward, Gale shakes her head at the speedster. "After this, swish" Kid Flash throws the banana, " I'll show you my moves."

Canary smirks at the teenager before she throws a right hook, which Kid blocks quickly, but Canary drops to the grounds and kicks Kid's feet from under him, making him land on his back with a shout.

"Ow, Hurts so good." Kid Flash said in pain, Spirit couldn't help but let a smile overtake her face as she takes joy in her best friend's pain.

"Good block," Canary says before helping him up. " But did anyone see what he did wrong?"

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now