We're Superheroes!

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September 23; 06:34 EDT

The team was sitting in the mission room as the league updates the cave's security and fixes the mess that the Reds had left. While most of the team were at the table in the middle of the room, Spirit was floating in the corner of the room in Indian style with her eyes close, as she tries to recenter her powers. Unlike her former teammates she had in her previous life, she took mediation very seriously and enjoyed and felt it helps her with her fears and worries. And she needed that right now after the major hits she was taking yesterday. Spirit tried to cancel all that Kid Flash and Robin were saying to Green Arrow but she could help but want answers herself.

"You knew!" Superboy's abrupt outburst caused Spirit to break her focus and look at where the clone had taken his anger out on. Spirit saw Superboy grab Aqualad. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!"

"Connor, what are you doing?" Ms. Martian flew over to the two boys and questioned the boy of steel.

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" Superboy tells her.

"You knew?" Robin asks.

"And didn't tell us?" Kid Flash adds.

"How you find out?" Spirit questions as well as she makes her way over to where they were gathering.

"I sought to protect the team from--"

"Protect us from what?" Artemis cuts their leader off. "Knowledge that might have saved our lives?"

"You almost died!" Superboy says to Ms. Martian.

"So did he." Spirit quickly interjects, "So you, so did I. So did everyone else. Why are you so hanged up on M'gann?"

"Enough." Batman's voice cuts through the air, causing the team to relax on each other. "With Red Tornado missing the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

" I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." Captain Marvel told them. A smile instantly took over Spirit's face when he steps next to Batman, while the rest of the team stand stoic.

"After I dismantled Red Tornado you and I are gonna--" Superboy began to threaten Aqualad.

"Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility." Batman cuts Superboy off. "You will leave him to us." Batman then turns as the holo computer appears. "I have another assignment for this team."

"So wait we're just going not go to school today?" Spirit questioned, with a confused expression, but as always no one pays attention to her.

"Gotham Mayor attacked by Guerilla Gorilla?" Kid Flash reads the headline aloud.

"Batman, please!" Robin complains. "Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase."

"I never joke about the mission," Batman told his protege with his deep and ruff voice. "I checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents." Batman then turns the leader of the team. "Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out."

"Hmph. your team." Kid Flash shoves past Aqualad and makes that comment.

Spirit was so confused as to how she was supposed to feel in this situation, on one hand, she was upset that Aqualad didn't trust them enough to tell them that he thinks that someone on the team was a mole, but then, on the other hand, it could be taken the same way that she doesn't trust them enough to tell them that she's from another universe. But Spirit just followed the team towards the bioship, she was just excited that she was able to miss school for this mission.

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now