Chapter 1 - New World

Start from the beginning

I have nothing to lose so...

I've made my decision I wish to be reincarnated.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Very well, the process will only take a moment.

My vision was soon obscured and replaced with what looked to be colorful water running over my eyes.

My vision was soon obscured and replaced with what looked to be colorful water running over my eyes

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I began to feel lightheaded and I felt as if my body was floating on water. The feeling almost made me drift into a peaceful slumber.

But that feeling was quickly replaced by a feeling of warmth wrapping around my entire body. I opened my eyes, but like the void I only saw darkness.

I tried to move my limbs, but the warmth around me was like a cocoon. It kept me still and enclosed.

Not knowing what to do I just waited and soon a great amount of pressure began to pull me down. I couldn't resist the pressure, so I let it carry me down.

A bright light came into view, but it quickly forced my eyes shut as it grew brighter. The warmth was gone and was now replaced by cold air.

I was finally able to move my limbs, but they felt different. I tried to speak, but all that came out were cries and pig like grunts.

I felt someone pick me up covering my body from the cold. A hand gently brushed across my eyes before rubbing my head.

My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I saw who was holding me. It was a female lowland gorilla.

She was looking at me with so much love in her eyes, that it made me feel safe and comfortable. She cooed at me as she held me close against her chest.

I now noticed I was no longer human, my entire body was smaller and covered in slimy, wet, thin hair. I was a baby gorilla.

I turned my head in every direction, taking in the surrounding area. We were in some sort of clearing inside a jungle.

The trees surrounding us were by far the biggest I've ever seen. They were definitely not from my world.

The closer I looked I could see a few gorillas lying on some of the branches. And a few were scattered about on the ground with us.

Wait a second, I was wrapped in warmth, felt immense pressure pushing me down, and I'm covered in something slimy... Was I just birthed?!

Before I could start panicking a familiar robotic voice echoed in my mind.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Happy birthday, user. I unfortunately couldn't get you a present, but I see the reincarnation was successful.

Devan: *Grunt*

S.Y.S.T.E.M: It seems your vocal cords have not yet fully developed. But do not fret, just think about what you wish to say and I will be able to respond.

Reincarnated As A Gorilla In A Fantasy WorldWhere stories live. Discover now