Chapter 1: Last Day of High School

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Monday May 15
Blossom- Good morning bestie.
Cathryn- Good morning bestie.
Blossom- I seem on Snapchat that Tyler and Angilla went on their first date.
Cathryn- Yes girl Tyler said to me he thought that he would never have a beautiful girl  like Angilla that he can share his thoughts and feelings too. But he and Angilla had fun on their first date.
Blossom- Aww Tyler needs to Angilla that ASCAP.
Cathryn- I told you the same thing.
Blossom- You ready to get Mr. Turner's math exam out the way.
Cathryn- Yes girl plus today is my last day in the yearbook club.
Blossom- I thought your last day in yearbook was tommorow on the 16th.
Cathryn- Mrs. Jennings text me and told my last day will be today due to Honors Day Wednesday. I'm gonna miss everybody. Girl we  got 2 more days before the Honors Day and 4 days before graduation.
Blossom- Oooh girl I'm ready too.
Damon- What's up girls.
Cathryn- Damon hadn't talk to you in a minute.
Blossom- Yeah bro what you been doing.
Damon- Nun just chilling ready to graduate you know what I'm saying.
Blossom- Hey breakfast ready y'all coming.
Damon- Yea
Cathryn-  Yep. What do they have for breakfast. Sausage and biscuit with eggs and grits.
We all got our breakfast sat down eating and socializing until it's time for first period even though we already did our exam for Mrs. Brown class. Mrs. Brown class is a free period and even Mr. Carl's 2nd period, Mrs. Hall 3rd period,Ms. Terry 5th period, P.E. 6th and Band Hall 7th.
Meanwhile...9:35am Mr. Turner 4th period class
Everybody made it in class before the tardy bell had ring at 9:35 so now everybody can finally get this math exam out of the way.
Mr. Turner- Okay I should have everybody's study guide. I need everyone put your phone in this box take out your pencil, paper,and calculator and good luck on your exam.
Cathryn- I knew that the test was probably gonna be a little hard to me but I already know that I passed it. Damon you think you pass the exam.
Damon- Yeah it was easy to me.
Cathryn- Okay (looked at phone) it's 10:07 let me go to the yearbook club on my last day.
Yearbook don't start until 10:10 but before I go there I went to my locker to get the rest of my few stuff out of my locker since it's also my last day of highschool. Okay that everything can't believe that I fit to graduate in 4 more days so bittersweet. Hey Mrs. Jennings what do I have to do today.
Mrs. Jennings- Hey Cathryn all you have to do is help Ebony and Tarson clean up the camera lens and that'll be it.
Cathryn- Ok I'm gonna miss you (started hugging Mrs. Jennings)
Mrs. Jennings- I'll miss you too girl. I hope you have a great time in college and be careful out there I wish you the best.
Cathryn- Thanks that means alot. Let me clean these camera lens. Hey Ebony hey Tarson.
Ebony- Hey girl.
Tarson- Supgirl.
Ebony-  I will be at your graduation yelling, "Go Cathryn"!?!
Tarson- And I'll be yelling, "Whoo Cathryn."
Cathryn- Thanks for the support y'all.
Ebony- Ummm... Mrs. Jennings you know what we having for lunch.
Mrs. Jennings- Let me see (looking on computer) we having cheeseburger and fries.
Ebony- Okay thank you. Them fries ain't gonna be nothing but the cheeseburger will be ok.
Tarson- Right.
Cathryn- Right.

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