Chapter 28

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What's going on?

That was the first thing to come to the older mind as he looked at the plain gray ceiling with tired and pain filed eye. Everything was aching from his swollen eye to his legs that have gone numb long ago. Everything was spinning as yoongi try to blink away the black dots that flooded his vision from his good eye.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Yoongu knew who's voice that belong to. Not doubt about that. It was just to difficult to focus when you felt your body giving into the pain and no longer wanting to fight anymore.


Yoongi also recognized that voice. It was one of Taehyung men told to watch after him. But what yoongi couldn't understand was why did he sound so panic? And what was that buzzing noise that made his already bleeding ear hurt more. Whatever it was Yoongi just hope for it to end soon as he closed his eyes.

There was a scream. And sadly yoongi knew that voice too.

In seconds his eyes opened as his head pain fully snapped down to see Jungkook being held by his broken arm and dragged out the room.

"Bring the car around!" Taehyung yelled before the metal door was slammed shut.

Bring the car around? Where are they going!?

Yoongi was now on full alert. There was still the buzzing in his ear fron the loud siren and the aching in his body from all the beating but now is mind was aware of the situation and he know that clearly this isn't just a drill.

Someone was attacking the mansion. That was the only conclusion of what was happening and with hope yoongi my know who it is. Now with this new found information this could be his chance to escape and help the others save jungkook. The only issue was how will he escape?

"shit!" Yoongi yelled in anger as he pulled at the rope keeping his hands firmly tide behind his back. Yoongi quickly looked around the area for something for anything that will help him escape.

And that's when he saw it lying there on the opposite side of the room.

A pocket knife.

Jin pov

"Shit shit shit!" Jin cried out as he looked at the room door where he could still hear the sound of people trying to get inside. Jin was only papered to fight the two man in the camera room not a whole fucking army!

Jin looked back at the computer screen which read 80%.

Why does this have to be so long!?

The older mind cried out. There was a sound of wood cracking making jin come out of his momentary panic state. Just as jin was about to give up there was a notification noise making him turn his head back to the bright screen where a green check mark appeared. Without hesitation jin sent the information to hoseok.

Soon there was a hole in the wooden door making jin screech out in fear.

"Stop right there." The man on the other end yelled as he began to kick at the door in a way to make the hole bigger. And in no time seven man came rushing into a empty camera room.

"Where did he go?" One of the guys ask the others.

"Freedom!!!" Jin yelled in happiness as he ran across the roof of the mansion. Who would have thought there was a small window just being covered by a painting. Jin started to slow down to catch his breath. His once high adrenalin rush slowly falling making his knees buckle under him.

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