Chapter 25

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"Your still awake huh?" Namjoon face quickly turned around to be met with Hoseok's concern eye's. It's been two day's since Seokjin and Namjoon found jimin body an not once has Namjoon gotten up to eat or sleep.

Every few hours Hoseok or Jin would have to go down to the hospital wing of the mansion to come get him.

"I just wanted to make sure he was still breathing.." Namjoon mumbled weekly as he looked down at jimin. Unconscious body. Namjoon could let go of jimin hand not even once. Jimin bruises, cuts, and broken bones have yet so begin to heal. And his body was always cold almost like a living dead corps.

There was a heart beat yes but not fully there and that's what scared Namjoon the most. The thought that any day now that small beating of Jimin weak heart could stop and he'll be gone forever. Namjoon would never get to see his baby brother smile ever again. He would never get to talk or hug jimin evert again. And that's what scared him the most.

This was just like when jungkook went missing all those months ago. He remember how he would stay up late with jimin helping him look for jungkook. How he would have to be there for jimin evey night he would break down in sadness and fear of never finding the younger ever again.

Namjoon also wanted to cry those nights he also wanted to yell at the world and be angry but he couldn't he had to be there for jimin. His baby brother. And when it came to the surface that jimin had also went missing Namjoon felt as if something him him had died. As if he had lost a part of him he could never get back ever again.

And it seems like god was never on his side because yes he got the wish to see his brother again but he wasn't expecting it to be this way. Not looking down at his brother lifeless body hook up to tubes and body basically wrapped in nothing but cast and bandages. No he wanted to see his old brother.

The same one who laugh at his funny jokes. The once who would stay up late as a teen just to play overwatch with jungkook. The same jimin who liked to argue with everyone of why he deserve the last dumpling. He wanted that jimin back...

Hoseok let out a pity sigh as he shook his head with a noticeable frown on his face.

"You need sleep joon." Hoseok said placing his hand on namjoon shoulder. "After all tomorrow is the big day.."

Yoongi POV (in third person form)

Dark. That was the first thing yoongi notice when he opened his eyes. Everything around him was dark. From the dirty concrete walls to the floor. Everything was cold and dark.

Yoongi couldn't help vut to feel the throbbing pain of a headache kick in. Reaching up to touch his head yoongi fet his body being restrained from doing so.

Now his whole body was on alert. So this wasn't a dream? He was actually tide up down at the basement. Yoongi shook his head slightly with a soft chuckle. He wasn't surprised as he noticed this coming.

From the moment he decided he help Jimin and Jungkook escape he known something of this sort would come his way sooner or later. Yoongi head quick jerked up at the sound of the metal door opening. He expected it to be Taehyung or one of the guards but to his surprise again it was jungkook. He had the same look on his face that he had when they met at the older bedroom.

Suddenly yoongi felt his blood boil. He wanted to reach out the strangle jungkook he just wanted the boy out of his sight already knowing this was his doing.

"Jungkook why are you doing this." Yoongi snarled.

"I brought you breakfast..." Jungkook whispered back ignoring the older first words.

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