Chapter 22

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I heard the sound of another car as I swerved past it on the busy road. My hands where tightly gripped around the wheel as i try my best not to lose what sanity I had left. After that phone call with Taehyung all that has been on my mind was jimin. Of course there was not mistake the had to have found out that he's not down in the cells anymore. And worst of all they are checking the rooms.

Knowing jimin state he is only able to limp so there could be no way he made it that far from the house or out the room at all. I park the car right outside the front door before quickly rushing out of it and into the house. Everything was quiet. I noticed two maids cleaning the floor by the stairs one furiously mopping and the other harshly scrubbing the steps. I watched as they picked up the mop placing in a bucket of water that has became a deep red color.

My blood ran cold at the image of Jimin laying lifeless at the end of the steps. I shook my head trying to get that thought out of it. Jimin is okay... When i go to my room he's going to be sitting on the bed reading a book like he always is..

I quickly made steps to the stairs not wanting to waste a second to get to see the boy.

"Yoongi. I thought you where going to not be back until an hour or so." I stopped in my tracks at the sound of Taehyung voice behind me. I turned around to see him standing with his arms cross and wide smile on his face. Something that made my skin crawl.

"I Changed my mind." I said back with a clear voice. "Where's Jungkook?" I ask trying to lighten the mood

"You know while your standing here i have some questions to ask." Taehyung said ignoring my question.

"Do you know what happened to that jimin boy? You know the one i specifically put you in charge of?" Taehyung said taking slow steps towards me.

"He's down in the cell's like he always been." I responded

"Well that's funny because he's not there."

"What?" I said trying my best to seem shock.

"Yeah just up and gone almost like someone let him out of even better help him escape." Taehyung was now standing face to face with my as a frown now took over his features. How was i suppose to respond to that!? It's obvious that he catching onto me and i would be the slightest surprise if it was Jungkook fault for it.

"He has a broken ankle there's no way he could have gotten that far." I spoke calmly i watched as Something flashed across Taehyung face before he finally let out a long sigh.

"I guess your right yoongs. I'll have a search party go out looking for him."  Taehyung said walking up the steps past me. Just when i thought i was in the clear i felt myself get pushed forward. Before my body could really fall Taehyung grabbed onto the back of my shirt.

"I swear on my god damn father grave if you have anything to do with this i won't hesitate to kill you." Taehyung said in a very low threatening tone. He slowly pulled me up so i wouldn't fall before walking away and through the long halls.

"Holy shit." I mumbled to myself still in shock. It's was short live because soon i was quickly rushing up the steps an down the hall to my bedroom. I didn't want to waste another moment with my wondering thoughts making me question if jimin was still there or not.

My steps slowed down once i reached my bedroom door. Slowly opening the door i was greeted with the quietness of the room.

"Jimin..." I said in a low tone walking further into the room shutting the door behind me. "Jimin?" I called out again walking towards the bathroom door lightly knocking. I reach for the door knob realizing it was unlock i open the door to be greeted with the sound of silence and emptiness.

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