Chapter 24

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Silence. That was all that filled yoongi room at the moment at he set at the end of his bed. He was so use to the sound of jimin voice that it almost didn't seem right being in here without him.

Yoongi looked behind him at the bed that was still unmade from this morning as memories of jimin sitting there and talking to him or reading whatever book the older brought for him flooded his mind. Being by the bed felt almost as if stepping on dangerous grounds for the older. Almost as if he had just committed a crime.

Yoongi would sleep on the couch in the corner of his room every night so jimin could have the bed and recover in the fastest was possible. Yoongi shook his head as he got up from his sitting position. His legs felt like they where going to give out and his brain hurt from flooding his mind with memories of the blond boy.


It's only been four days since jimin was brought to yoongi room and by now he believes the older has some mental issues. The first two days yoongi would fumble and trip over himself and his words when he talk to jimin almost like a baby just learning how to walk and talk. The third day he would check up on jimin almost every five minutes as if he was some kind of child who needed to be watched.

Which leads them to today. Jimin sat at the top of the bed hand with an open book on his lap as he stared confusingly at yoongi who was looking back at him with nervous yet exited eyes.

"Is there something you need?" Jimin ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Let my cut your hair." Yoongi blurted out without any second thought. He was quick to realize what he had said when he watched jimin face turn into one of pure confusion.

"I- it's just that your hair has grown so much a-and I thought I could maybe help it look better." The older finished

"So your saying I look a mess?" Jimin ask with a sly smirk.

"No! Definitely not that." Yoongi quickly responded jimin watch in amusement as yoongi face burned read from embarrassment.

Jimin could help but to let out a low chuckle. Thinking back to when they first met jimin would have never thought that yoongi could be so cute with his nervous stuttering and shy smiles-

Jimin eye's widened realizing what he was thinking about. This was wrong.

So so wrong.

Jimin cannot let himself get comfortable around yoongi and refuse to. Jimin was just using yoongi to escape. That all it is and ever will be.


Jimin looked back up to see yoongi still awaiting for an answer. With a long sigh jimin closed the book setting it aside.

"Fine you can cut my hair." Jimin had to quickly look away from the older face once yoongi started to present his gummy smile.

A few minutes later and yoongi was onto drying jimin hair. Jimin eyes flutter open and shut as he tried desperately to fight of sleep at that moment, but yoongi was making it hard with his fingers gently running through his hair as he blew the warm heat from the blow dryer onto it.

"So how was your life?" Yoongi was the first one to speak. Jimin looked up at him with half lidded eye's.

"What?" Jimin ask as a yawn slip through his parted lips.

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