Chapter forty

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Gun mentions and deaths occur in this chapter. If you are not comfortable with that, please, please, please go read something else. Some gory descriptions as well.

There is a part that may make some really, really uncomfortable, but there'll be warning signs.

I don't agree with it, but I've planned it from the beginning, so forgive me.



Recap from last chapter:

Luka has somethings planned out.

Luka chuckled, shaking his head. "You said you didn't trust going back home so early because you wanted to attend to Marinette's wounds and make sure she was fine. I'm going with that plan, but I didn't waste time making up another while you two slept and on my walk all the way to this dealership. We'll stay for today, and then we have to be on the road frequently, and we can't really stop anywhere."

Adrien can see Luka's still in love with Marinette.

The blonde glanced away from her. "I know that's what you want, Marinette, but it's not what Luka wants. More like what he needs. He's trying his best right now to keep us safe more than he wants himself being alive, and I respect that about him. But more importantly, he's trying his best to protect you. You mean so much to him, and I know it, and it sucks that he has to live with us dating, but he doesn't let it bother him because in the end, he just wants to see you happy."

Nathaniel strikes.

The red head glanced around it until finding a fire alarm hidden just beside the ice machine, and he quickly pulled it, emerging into the hallway and acting as if he didn't pull it to play off his plan.

Nathaniel didn't do a good job at being hidden.

Then that's when the world stopped.

Nathaniel slightly glanced up from under his hoodie, and Adrien met his dark glare.

Adrien finds out Marinette's identity.

"It's just that. . . the moves you pulled on Nathaniel are very similar ones to how I've seen Ladybug fight. . . and I've realized it before. . I just didn't say anything about it. . Like how hard you can punch. Those really hurt sometimes, but since I'm Chat Noir, I'm so used to taking hits, so your punches are kinda normal for me now," he said, messing with a loose string on his sweats.

Marinette looked away from him, staring at the ground. "I. . . I'm not ready for this. ."

Adrien walked up to her, holding her hands. "At this point, there's no need to tell me because you not saying anything is an answer. This isn't the way I wanted to find out either, but now that I know, I won't have to worry keeping you safe when someone's trying to mug you or something. Yet, not until Luka and I know you're completely safe, that's not going to happen."

Gabriel knows he has a higher authority over Sadoilem Nemod, and he makes it present.

Walking past the man, Gabriel stopped at his doors, smirking. "I can't believe you actually tensed when I walked past you. Guess you work for me now."

"I will never-!"

"Don't bother speaking. I already have you trembling, might as well bow down now and let me do what I have to do to get this money. I shall be leaving now, and like I mentioned before, I'll have her in by this weekend. Any later, I'll officially let you rule over me again," and with that, the designer walked out of the giant room, letting the doors slam shut behind him and sending an echo through the long, dark and  empty hallways.

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