Chapter thirty-three

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Recap from last chapter:

Chat upsets the giant by his cocky flirting.

Chat landed in front of her face, poking her nose with his baton. "Just because I'm dating someone doesn't mean I'm still not that cocky flirt you know, giant Lady~"

The giant blushed, sitting up a bit. "Really?"

Chat placed his chin on the metal weapon. "Really," he winked.

She twirled her hair on a finger, turning her head to the side. "Okay. . ."

She placed her hand down, letting the feline get back onto it. Chat sat down again, messing with his ears. "So mind telling me what's got you so-"

The black cat was thrown onto the ground, his body skidding across the concrete of the streets for blocks.

The two hero's need help from a past fellow member.

Ladybug shook her head. "I told you I don't want you near her. I need you to go get the owner to this Miraculous. If she questions as to how you know her identity, tell her I was the one that sent you, and it was for your sake."

Multiple Chat Noir illusions fluster a helpless Ladybug.

"Hey, Bugaboo~"

"Looking good as usual, M'Lady~"

"Did you fall out of a vending machine? 'Cause you a snack~"

"A kiss before the battle, LB?"

"Those hips!"

Ladybug turned a dark red, covering her body with her hands from the multiple feline copies eyeing her form. "Tha-That's enough!"

A surprise cliffhanger.

Chat felt his body beginning to go numb. He heard Rena Rouge yell for everyone to evacuate the building immediately, then his head moved onto someone else's lap.

Red blurred his vision, and he could feel somebody's arms wrap around his head. He blinked up at the person holding him, gasping for air.

His body was fully becoming numb, and his eyes were getting droopy, his heartbeat slowing.  All voices became whispers until they became one, and only one he could register.

"I'm Marinette!"

Enjoy :)


Adrien sat bolt upright, sitting up in a valley full on grass.

His legs would be invisible if you were to be sitting next to him by how long the grass had grown. Yet, it was as soft as pillows.

The blonde glanced around, staring at the blanket of flowers that began to bloom all around him.

He stood up slowly, watching them fully cover the entire hill with their light pink petals. He caught a woman in the distance, picking at some of the flowers with a little basket on her arm where she placed them in.

Adrien glanced around some more, wondering if there was anyone else before making his way over to the woman. She wore a poncho yellow dress, with brown flats on her feet. Her hair was curly, and a beautiful silky brown that matched her eye color. 

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