Chapter ten

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   Here she is. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Walking outside to get a bag that her parents had sent for her in a cab, that was filled with everything she'd need for the night, and her pajamas.

Marinette grabbed the bag from out the trunk, thanking the driver, who only responded with a hum, driving off, almost running over her foot.

Marinette tsked at the driver from his dangerous act, pulling her bag over her shoulders so it was across her chest as she held it closely to her for warmth.

It was fall, and nights like these only got colder, but she's glad she went out at this time instead of later.

She made her way back into the hospital, and back towards Adrien's room.

She found him in the bed, laying down now, messing with on of his stitchings that was starting to come undone.

"Stop messing with that!" She said as she sped walked over to him, slapping his hand away from the stitching.

Adrien grabbed his hand, rubbing it to ease the pain away,

"We haven't been dating for and hour and your already hitting me?" Marinette squinted her eyes.

"Aggressive very much...." Adrien mumbled.

"What was that?"

"N-Nothing!" Marinette gave him a deadly glare, and Adrien swallowed hard.

Marinette walked back to her bag, pulling out her pajamas.

" you know where there's a bathroom?" Adrien let his lips curve into a smirk,

"Why? You don't want me to see you in your undergarments?" Marinette reached down to throw her shoe at him,

"Ew! You pervert!" Adrien let the shoe hit him, water from the bottom of it hitting him in the face.

"Hey!" Marinette giggled, dropping her pajamas as she ran over to the blonde to grab the shoe before he could.

He grabbed it first, since he was closer to it, obviously, and tossed it in the opposite side of the bed.

Marinette gave him that same deadly glare, and Adrien only laughed it off,

"That doesn't scare me!" Marinette clenches her fists, walking over to him with a heavy stride. She looked like she was gonna beat his ass.

She's about to beat my ass.

Marinette dived for the blonde, Adrien rolling out the way a bit.

He grabbed for his side, expecting pain to hit him, but he forgot that the doctor had came in earlier to give him pain killers, which he was glad for.

Marinette got up, making a move for the blonde. Adrien looked down at himself.

"Wait a sec-" Marinette tackled Adrien to the ground, not giving him a chance to finish what he was going to say.

Marinette sat up on the blonde,

"I won!" Adrien didn't want to say what he wanted to say now, but he said it anyways,

"Uhhh.... Marinette? do realize that I'm n-naked under this hospital gown.......right?" Marinette's eyes widened as if she saw a ghost. She jumped off of him,

"I'm sorry!" Adrien raised a hand up for him to pull her up, and Marinette grabbed it, pulling him up with such a force that surprised him.

One of the nurses came in, shaking her head as if she was disappointed.

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