Chapter thirty-eight

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Just the mention of guns and blood. May be sexual actions as well, not sure, might add in some kissing, don't think no less of it after the last chapter, just something that started over being alone for too long. Also blood, and a females monthly cycle. Oh yeah, and, um, death.



Recap from last chapter:

We find out why Luka's actually willing to help.

"Hey, Luka?" He asked, pushing a hand through his hair. He earned a hum in response, then stared outside at the blankets of snow. "Why are you helping me?"

Luka came out from around the corner, leaning up against the opposite side of the wall. "I'm going to tell you once, and once only. I am still in love with Marinette. More than you'd think, Agreste. And seeing you together may hurt, but I'd rather see her happy then see her alone or in a relationship that isn't wanted by her. I've been working alongside with Nathaniel and Lila, who are all in a plan to do something horrible to her, and we're all working for your father. Although, Gabriel has no intentions to do anything, only earning money in return, there is a deadlier man at his side, Sir. George Porcashiden, and his boss, more like CEO of all this shit, is Sadoilem Nemod. I only joined after hearing the horrid shit they were gonna do, and made sure I had enough info. to get all their asses locked up, and maybe even for life. Yet, I was too late and the both of you had already been taken hostage of."

Nathaniel doesn't want Marinette to hate him after what he's done to her.

He was being soft. Not as rough as he usually would, and it shocked the bluenette.

"Why are you being so soft with me?" She asked, searching his eyes.

Nathaniel glanced away, turning her around so he could clean her back. "I don't want to seem like such a bad person in your eyes. I kidnapped you, raped you, got you pregnant, then took hostage of you again. Let's not forget I tried to kill you, even though it was insignificant and didn't do much harm to you."

Luka and Adrien seem closer than expected.

Adrien furrowed his brows. "I'm not tired."

Luka smirked. "If you say so~"

"I still have a lot of questions, Couffaine. You don't seem like the type of person to kill anybody. So why didn't you just take those men down with simple moves?"

"Does it look like I'm damn near superhuman like you, Agreste?"

"You look fit enough to me."

"Because I don't eat."

"Is that why I can practically see your ribcage through your shirt?"

"Shut the hell up and go to sleep!"

The blonde laughed. "You're funny as hell!"

Let the plan begin.

"Anyways, the place she's at is down the road from here, covered in a row of trees. The path leading to it would be visible if it wasn't for the tree roots covering it, so that's why this place was used for drug dealing and selling illegal items. Let's just hope that Nathaniel hasn't done anything too harsh on her. It has been three weeks now she's been taken into custody."

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