Chapter twenty-eight

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   "Is the plan still going through?" Gabriel asked, clicking through images on his computer. "I've found so many pictures of the girl for you. I'm sure you'd take her along with the others you've found."

"Of course the plan is still going, Dear Gabriel. Don't you want your sweet money?" Sir. Greg Porcashiden lilted, spinning a glass of rich red wine in his hand.

Gabriel smirked. "You do know I really don't need this money, right? I just need it to complete a certain bargain I have with someone special to me. . "

"I'm sure you do, Gabriel. How old is this girl again?" Porcashiden asked, taking a sip from his glass.

"18, I believe," Gabriel smiled darkly at the images. "Perfect for what they're looking for. The younger, the better."

Porcashiden hackled menacingly, tossing his head back. "Just hearing that age makes me want to do something naughty."

Gabriel grimaced. "I understand this is great for you, but keep your thoughts to yourself."

Clearing his throat, Porcashiden stood up, walking over to the window in his office. "Forgive me, Dear Gabriel. Back to this girl. . . how do you know her?"

Gabriel closed out of the images, turning around to face the giant painting of Emilie. "She's a classmate of my son. Beautiful, petit, shapely, and ample. I didn't mind taking a look when I saw her with my son not to long ago."

"She sounds like a keeper. I might not want to give her away; might keep her for myself," Porcashiden snickered, smirked darkly.

"I've got some of her friends working for me, glad to help as long as they get some of the big pay. They don't know what I have stored for them in the end."

"As long as we know that we're get something we want in the end, it doesn't matter. Their clueless souls will do anything when it comes to money, especially being at such a young age."

"Yes, they really will."

"Well, it was nice catching up with you, Gabriel. We'll talk more about this when it is needed."

"We shall then, Sir. Porcashiden."

"Oh! And if I may ask. . . what is this young lady's name?"

Gabriel smirked, tilting his head down as a shadow appeared over his face.



It was one in the afternoon when Marinette awoke in a heap of sweat, and panting.

She had the same nightmare before, but she ended up drowning instead, and there wasn't a rush of nausea that hit her.

Tikki floated near her, facial expression worrisome and confused.

"Are you okay, Marinette? You look pale," the ladybug kwami said.

Marinette nodded, stripping from her t-shirt and pajama pants. "Yeah. . . just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure? You were mumbling something in your sleep. Something about Chat Noir and dying," the kwami confessed, gazing upon the bluenette.

Marinette's eyes went wide. "Chat?. . . dying?. ."

Tikki faltered. "I'm sorry. Did I bring something up I should have not?"

Marinette waved a hand of dismay. "Don't worry, Tikki. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh, OK. If you say so, Marinette."

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