Chapter 31

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Rauz was still holding his force field up, I didn't understand why they wanted us to prove ourselves worthy of getting the essence bow but I knew we had to.

"We fight them together!" I demanded

Rauz let his shield down and Niko used vamp speed to tackle Ezekiel. Calluna used her Aerokinesis oddity to push them back using wind. Zealia, teleported behind Calluna and they began fighting.

I noticed Sicilia standing there not even making a move, as if she wasn't worried so I used vamp speed to rush over to her but was stopped by Johnathan.

"Im sorry I have to do this... you know, family and all" He put his hand out and began using Thermovariance on me, I could feel my blood boiling which brought me to my knees and I uttered a shriek. The magnitude in which he was doing it was unlike anything I've ever felt or done before.

I had an idea, that maybe if I tried siphoning the energy from his magic, I could stop or ease it. I'd never done it before but now was the perfect time to push past my limits, so I focused as best as I could. I noticed his oddity getting weaker and weaker.

Using my magic I threw him across the room and as high as possible. I knew that would take care of him for a little.

"Maybe I should join the council after all, you weren't really a worthy opponent" I said arrogantly before rushing Sicilia. Before reaching her she quickly surrounded her body with fire so I couldn't touch her.

"Ventus Ictu!" I chanted the wind spell to put out the flames. Once they were out I went to grab her but I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back which made me scream. She used her Telekinesis to stab me with something.

"Ill make you a deal, if you can even touch me at least once ill give you the bow!" Sicilia said confidently

Rushing her with intense speed I tried hitting her from four different angles but she blocked them all.

"Im psychic remember? I can see almost everything coming" She bragged

I was beginning to get frustrated, so I tried using regular magic to hit her but in doing so I did something else. Something I've never done before, something she wouldn't be able to see coming. I don't know why but my first thought was to tighten my fist, so I did. I could see some sort of aura around her neck.

Sicilia began choking, I didn't even know what I did I just knew it was hurting her. I rushed over to her and knocked her down.

"Did you just-" Johnathan said from a far "You finally activated it"

"Activated what?" I looked at him in confusion

"Aura Manipulation is another oddity that has been in our family for generations. What you just did is an extension of that, You strangled her with her own aura"

I couldn't help but smile, I didn't think I'd be getting another oddity anytime soon.

I looked over to see Calluna, Finn, and Avian, on the floor. Ezekiel and Rauz were the only two standing and still fighting the others.

"Thats enough!" Sicilia shouted and everyone came to a stop "Altiair was able to hit me, so we'll give you the essence bow"

"Thank you" I responded graciously

"You fought well, nobody has been able to hit me in a very long time when proving themselves. If you want to go back to doing things by the book, we'd love to have you on the council one day". I was shocked that she was even saying that.

"Thanks but, being in power isn't really my thing. I know I may seem like a leader to them but honestly, they lead me just as much"

"Very well, Wesley can you go retrieve the essence bow please?" She seemed disappointed by my answer "You know, I knew your great grandmother, she once served on the council back in her day, I was just a little girl of course. You remind me of her"

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