Chapter 21

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It was a dark chilly night and I was taking a walk around the block to clear my mind and think of a plan to find Delilahs sister.

I couldn't help but think of what Malik said to me when we were held hostage.

"That's what makes you weak Altiair, your emotional" kept playing in my head over and over again. I was even starting think that maybe he was right. That if I was less emotional I'd be able to get the difficult things done.

The thought of fighting Malik head on scared me a little just because of how powerful he is. The fear doesn't come from the possibility of me dying though, it comes from the thought of everyone around me dying and me being responsible for it.

I kept walking when suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I looked back to see nobody there at first so I continued.

I was startled by a loud noise behind me so I looked back again to see a dark figure following me. I began to run quickly because I wasn't too far away from my house.

As I kept running I realized I was running into a circle and my house was nowhere to found, which was weird because this was the block I lived on. None of this was making sense so I stood there looking around in confusion.

I was suddenly tackled to the ground and I looked up to see someone standing over me with a hood over their head. Once they removed the hood I saw that it was Juru.

"Altiair you let him kill me, Why?" He shouted

"No I didn't! There was nothing I could do!" I cried out

"I was trying to change, I was trying to be better and you let him kill me!"

I began screaming until suddenly I woke up, I realized that I was dreaming and my screaming came to a stop.

My door quickly opened "Altiair are you okay?" Ezekiel said rushing in the room.

Ezekiel had been staying the night here the past few days to be with Avian, so I must've woke him.

"Yeah, im okay just a bad dream" I replied somberly

"About what?" He replied before sitting next to me on the bed

"I was walking around the block, then I was being chased, I was running in circles and couldn't find my house" I began explaining "I was caught and when they took their hood off it was Juru. He was blaming me for his death telling me it was all my fault" I could tell this was making Ezekiel sad

"It was just a dream, thats not true and you know it!" He assured me

"I know, I think my dream was just projecting my thoughts" I replied

"Listen we are gonna get through this, I don't know how but we will end Malik" He added

"Thank you" I said graciously "For being there for me when I need you"

He smiled "Always" he kissed me on the cheek before leaving the room.

I couldn't help but smile, I didn't know if it was because I was grateful that he came in there to comfort me, or if it was because he kissed me on the cheek like a fourth grader. Either way I was grateful.

It was basically morning so I didn't even bother going back to sleep, I just stayed up and got ready for the day.

Once I got downstairs Rauz was sitting at the table studying a book as usual.

"Alt, come here! I think I figured out what your new ability is" He said happily

"Of course you did, what is it?" I replied sarcastically

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