Chapter 23

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"So wait, your saying if Raven uses her calcification oddity she'll die?" I looked at Delilah in shock

"The correct term is actually petrification, at least thats what Alex called it but yes. To turn someone of Maliks power into stone will take to much energy from her and she will die" Delilah replied

"Okay first off, petrification is dated, Alex called it that but we're not Alex. Secondly, why didn't it kill Raven when she undid it?" Rauz asked while also being the know it all that he is.

"Well when she woke him she was just releasing him and his magic, but calcifying him is the opposite. She would be trapping him and containing his magic in the process and as you may already know, thats alot of magic, too much for her to handle." She explained

"So basically the oddity not only seals them and turns them into stone, but it voids the persons magic as well" Raven added

Delilah nodded her head "Exactly, and if it were a normal witch we were petrifying than Raven would live, she'd still be weak but she'd live. Malik is no ordinary witch, his magic is immortal and he also has the life force of a vampire and werewolf. Not to mention his aura isn't sealed which is why he is still able to control people while sleep"

Things started making more sense "It's also how he was able to communicate with me while I was sleep, we were connected by magic so I was confused on how he was able to do that, but i guess he was able to use his aura to do it since thats like an extension of his magic" I exclaimed

"So what now? He killed Juru, he killed Ravens dad and uncle, he kidnapped Jeremiah, and now he has Zarya. How do we stop him?" Enya asked

"Ill do it...ill calcify him" Raven announced

I looked at her like she was crazy "Absolutely not! Im not letting you die for this"

"We have no choice! If we can find another way than great, but if not he has to be stopped. Its either I die or we all die, and im not letting you guys die because I know that if any of you were in my position, you'd do the same, especially you Alt" I looked away because I knew she was right, I just couldn't accept it.

"Just in case keep working on that oddity to make it stronger, but I promise you we'll find another way that doesn't include you dying" I assured her

"Oh I highly doubt that" a deep voice snapped from behind us, I quickly recognized it as Maliks.

I turned around to see him standing there with a grin on his face "Malik" I said nervously

"I was just gonna stop in to say hello to Celine, but then I walk in to hear people conspiring to get rid of me... how rude" He joked

His facial expression quickly went from joy to shock as he glared at us "Delilah"

"You didn't think I really died now did you?" Delilah replied

"Well you know what they say about true love" Malik smiled

Delilah began walking toward Malik, but she didn't seem angry. Once she reached him, they began kissing right there in front of us.

"When its real, it never dies" She said finishing his statement

"Ewe" Calluna turned her face up.

"Delilah what are you doing?" I said in shock "Your kissing the man that killed your sister"

"Oh my god, you guys are idiots! I wanted Celine dead, thats why we switched. I made her believe if we switched and tricked Malik that we could kill him" Delilah bragged.

"So you set your own sister up to die?" I asked

"Absolutely, Malik was in on it too, my sister hated him because she thought of him as this murderous monster, and that he was. The thing is, that's what I loved about him. She hated that I was in love with him. She wanted him dead so I made her believe I was done with him and he killed her" She was smiling "Once we killed her and Malik accidentally got her powers, people began hunting him, some Weir witches got ahold of him and he told me to run, so I did. I guess he thought I died after all those years, hence the genuine shock on his face when he saw me"

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