Chapter 11

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"Back for more witches?" Lucian said sarcastically.

"Give us the books back" I said sternly

Lucian and several members of the pack began laughing at me

"Or what? Your gonna kill us? If your using the same magic you did in our last battle im not scared one bit" Lucian stepped up.

"I wasn't there" I assured him "Had I been there, you'd all be dead right now" 

The same pack members that were just laughing looked at us with a confused look

"So your sleeping beauty huh?" A large muscular black guy said sarcastically "I see they went and woke you up, did we scare you too much?"

Ezekiel, Raven, and Calluna all looked like they were ready to attack, im guessing that comment bothered them. I put my hand out for them not to do anything.

"Now see, This time things are going to go a bit differently" I said arrogantly "Ezekiel is a vampire, Ravens magic can actually harm you, and Calluna is half vampire. Not to mention I have some friends just waiting for the word to unleash hell on this place" I was referring to Zane and his vampires

"Zane come on out" Raven said confidently, there was just a moment of silence with nothing happening.

"Zane!" I said a little louder than Raven and there was still nothing

Suddenly a group of vampires came out of the trees using vamp speed.

"Sorry, we're late" One of the vampires said

"Its fine, as long a-" I was rudely interrupted

"Im not talking to you, im talking to them" He pointed at the pack.

"Great, Ezekiels friend is a traitor... shocking" Raven snapped

I could feel myself begin to get angry and I was struggling to control my temper. To figure out these vampires were working with the wolves put a big dent in our plan.

"Oh no, Zane thought we were all on board with fighting the wolves but, we had other plans in mind" the vampire said with a sinister smile

"Did you kill him?" I asked

He smiled before answering "No, he's in the woods somewhere knocked out"

I motioned Angelo to go find and help Zane since they wanted him dead anyways. It really wouldn't make sense for him to be over here with us.

"Well what are we gonna do now? We were already outnumbered but now theres more, and they're vampires" Calluna whispered

"It'll be fine" I assured her

"So are you going to give us the books or not? Because I really don't have time for the foreplay" Ezekiel snapped "I'd rather just fight if thats what were doing"

"Impressive! You're still cocky as hell... even after the last fight?" Lucian said in an animated voice "I admire that vamp"

Ezekiel balled his fist up tightly so I looked at him intensely to not attack yet but then something suddenly changed my mind.

"Screw it, lets fight" I said tiredly.

Calluna and Ezekiel immediately used their vamp speed to attack some of the wolves and vampires while I immediately went running towards Lucian.

I was interrupted by some of the pack members getting in the way and protecting him.

"Even after what you just saw him do, your still gonna protect him?" I asked angrily "He just lost and showed weakness by sneaking and killing his opponent. That's not the code you guys live by" I meant what I was saying but I also was trying to stall so I didn't use my powers

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