Chapter 3

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Ezekiel immediately rushed to the door with his super speed after hearing what Zane said

"Zane? I knew I heard your voice! What are you doing here?" Ezekiel exclaimed

"You know him?" I asked confused

"Yeah I've known him for over a hundred years!" He replied

"Okay, well come in I guess" I said nervously.

Zane walked in and I motioned him to sit on the living room couch.

"So firstly what did you mean by you most definitely know who I am" I asked suspiciously

"Well, you guy's have caused quite the stir in the supernatural community, especially around the Kane and Ezekiel fiasco" He began "Also how you guys killed one of the most notorious and dangerous witch hunters a few years back" He was referring to Raven's old boyfriend.

"Oh okay, so we're like celebrities in the supernatural world?" I said jokingly

"I guess you can say that" He replied which surprised me because I was only joking

"Now I told you I had some answers for you, but first I have questions" Zane said intensely

I caught myself staring at him for longer than I should have, but I couldn't help it, he was extremely attractive.

"What questions are those?" Ezekiel asked

"Altiair Wick, where is he?" He replied curiously

Ezekiel, Finn, and I, immediately had a shift in energy and all became very tense.

"What do you mean?" Finn asked nervously

"Nobody has seen him around anywhere in the past few months, almost like he disappeared... whats up with that?" Zane said with a weird smile

Ezekiel and I looked at each other nervously not knowing what to say.

"Why do you want to know?" Finn snapped

Well, we already know Altiair killed Kane, and that really helped us vampires out alot, but we don't know what happened after he killed him" He explained

"Altiair is fine, he's just away! He was under alot of stress and needed a break, so me and Calluna are taking care of things until then" I lied

"Whats your name again?" He asked sarcastically

"Its Rauz, Rauz Fowler"

"Right, you see Rauz, one thing I cannot stand is being lied too" Zane snapped "Im a pretty great judge of character and I can tell by your movements and facial expressions that your lying! How can I help you if your lying to me, that off" He showed his fangs

I didn't know what to say because honestly, I was never a good liar so I wasn't surprised he caught me. I wasn't worried about the indirect threat because I knew I could take him if he got out of hand.

"Zane, if I were you I'd watch your tone... we're friends but these are not the type of witches you wanna threaten" Ezekiel said warning him "Trust me, I know"

"You're right, I do apologize! My temper gets the best of me sometimes" He replied "See my theory is that Kane was working for Malik, being that he's his Ancestor it would only make sense as to why he became so evil over time"

"You are correct" I assured him

"Now Altiair killed Kane and what im thinking knowing what I know about Malik, is that had some sort of after effect or consequence. Malik's magic isn't something that you can just kill, it tends to just... stay under the skin"

Exiled II: The AwakeningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora