Chapter 15

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As Maya got ready for her fight with Lucian, we sat waiting for Lucian to wake. We could've woke him with magic but we wanted her to have time to prepare.

"Alright im ready" Maya said coming out of one of the cabins. Her long brown hair was now in a ponytail and I noticed she changed her clothes.

"Are you sure?" I asked her in a concerned tone

"Im ready as ill ever be, but at the end of the day your right. I can't just let Lucian force us to follow some psychopath who'll probably kill anybody who doesn't obey his every word. That's only leading us to death and destruction and I have to do this, for Oz" Maya said confidently

"And your for kids" Raven added with a smile

"And the pack!" One of the pack members shouted, followed by loud cheers from the others

I noticed Lucian began to wake up so I immediately stood and towered over him.

"Lucian get up" Maya snapped

Lucian got up and looked around in confusion, you could tell he was a little nervous.

"What the hell is all this about?" He asked

"Im challenging you, Thats what this is about" Maya replied briskly.

Lucian began to chuckle loudly, almost as if this was a joke to him.

"Maya, go back to doing whatever it is you were doing before they got here. I don't want to have to kill you too, think about your kids" Lucian said arrogantly.

"I am thinking about them, thats why I have to do this" She replied "This pack no longer believes in its alpha, that should never happen. You brought us shame when you began doing Maliks dirty work, starting wars with vampires and witches. You brought us even more when you killed Oz. So even if I lose today, people will never stop challenging you! You went against everything we believe in to follow some man your probably just afraid of"

We all looked around proudly, happy she was taking a stand.

"You should probably tell your kids to go inside, I don't want them to see their dad and mom die right in front of them" Lucian said quietly.

"No, they will stay here! I want to know that if this is the last time they see me, they know I went out fighting for them, and for Oz" she replied

"Let's do it then" Lucian said with a smirk on his face "I don't know what you all said to her, but just know her blood is now on your hands! Her children have to watch her die because of you"

"Oh shut up and stop stalling" Rauz snapped

Lucian and Maya walked over to the same big open space that Oz and Lucian were in when they fought. Lucian stared Maya down with a smile, but she looked at him with intensity.

"I sure hope your rea-" Lucian couldn't even finish his statement before being clawed in the face by Maya, who quickly after retreated and shuffled backwards to give them space between each other.

"She's tactical and patient... that's good" Ezekiel mumbled and I nodded in agreement.

Lucian went in to grab her but she quickly ducked and used her right foot to trip him. Im guessing she only used one foot so she could recover faster.

After Lucian got up he quickly grabbed her and slammed her onto the ground aggressively, im guessing he was starting to catch on to her fighting style.

She quickly got up using her hands and back which was pretty cool to see.

"Maya you know how much I cared about Oz, I didn't want it to end like that" You could tell Lucian was trying to press her buttons, and it worked because she immediately lost it.

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