Chapter 2

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"This better be important Rauz, I left my shoot early for this" Calluna snapped "I told them I'd be back though, so they didn't mind"

After everything that happened in that ally we rushed back to the house and told everyone to meet us there. Now Calluna, Enya, Raven, Avian, Finn, Ezekiel, and myself were at the house.

"It is important, listen we were walking to the mall when we saw these two guys bullying this guy. We stopped them and thought that would be the end of it, but they turned out to be wolves" I began explaining

"Wait, theres even more werewolves?" Raven asked concerned.

"Yes" I replied "we fought but they were clearly unfazed"

Raven didn't seem to be shocked or worried by hearing that.

"Well werewolves are known to have bad tempers and they don't really back down from a fight so thats not surprising"

"But even after finding out Avian was a hybrid they were fearless" Im sure there was a ton of worry in my tone

"They literally said 'You guys don't even know whats coming do you?' And ran off, almost as if they knew something we didn't"

Everyones energy shifted after hearing that, even Ezekiel took a big gulp.

"Okay that's definitely alarming.... what do you think it means?" Calluna asked

"Im not sure, but im sure it has something to do with why they're back in town, werewolves haven't been here in over 100 years as far as we know" I replied nervously

"And all of a sudden they're back... around the same time as all of this Malik stuff" Ezekiel added


"So what now?" Raven asked curiously

I took a deep breath because honestly, I wasn't sure. I mean I hadn't really thought of a plan, but I knew something needed to be done.

"Well, whether they are or are not connected to Malik something has to happen because they directly threatened us. I say for now we play friendly and try to see what we can figure out" I replied

"But how? They clearly don't like us" Finn asked and everyone else nodded in agreement

"Finn, did you forget? We are witches, this is what we do" I had a sarcastic grin on my face "Im thinking we find that Angelo wolf since he seemed to be the one in charge, I noticed the other one didn't move until Angelo did every time"

"I noticed that too" Avian added

"After we find him we use a truth spell and we will see what he knows!" I explained "Raven, your beautiful and single.... you should do it! He also hasn't seen you yet so he's most likely to talk to you"

"Alright, ill go find and practice the spell, i havent used it in forever" she replied

"Cool, ill go with you so I can point him out! Ill just make it so that he doesn't see me with you"

Raven got up and went to go find the truth spell.

"Can I go back to my shoot now?" Calluna snapped. I stared at her angrily.

"You still don't care do you? Your not worried at all are you?" I asked angrily

"Of course I do Rauz, but what am I supposed to do? Stop my life for some threat? We are witches, there is always some kind of threat coming for us!" She began ranting as she flipped her wavy purple hair

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