Chapter 26

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"Who's after you? Whats going on?" I asked her nervously.

"Okay, Malik got back with this Delilah girl, told me the truth about what really happened with her and her sister. I figured I'd overstayed my welcome and it was the right time to escape so I snuck out, and you guys know how hard it is to sneak out that place" She began explaining

"Yeah its near impossible, I tried for years" Jeremiah added

"Exactly, so after I snuck out I immediately rushed here, but because its been a while I got lost along the way. I guess he sent some people to either kill or capture me, so I was attacked and barely made it out. I killed a couple of his guys so he's definitely gonna send more"

"Im so sorry that happened Zarya, im just happy your out of there!" I replied

"The worse part is that for a split second I thought I saw some good in him, you know like you did with Ezekiel. I thought that maybe I could make him a better person, but that all went out the window" She seemed really emotional about that, as if maybe she genuinely cared for him.

"You actually care about him don't you?" Calluna asked

"I do, I did, I don't know... I think I was starting to and thats why im happy im gone, because he's a monster and I shouldn't ever feel that way about someone like him" I grabbed her hand to comfort her

"Well... let me get the awkward part out of the way, Hey Zarya sorry for trying to kill you, im a better person now, blah blah blah" Ezekiel said jokingly

"It's okay, we'll get you some lessons to better that aim" She replied which made me laugh "Now, I also have something else that could help us"

"What is it?" Raven asked

"Theres a place called 'Ghost Town' and if your supernatural than you can see and communicate with the ghosts of supernatural people that have died. They only appear if they want to see you though. Im thinking you guys could finally talk to Alex Weir in the flesh 'so to speak' and learn more about what we're facing. Im thinking that plus what I know, and we may be able to get rid of him for good."

I thought it was weird that I never knew about this place before but I was definitely down to go.

"I think I overheard somebody mention this place a few times when I was being held hostage" Jeremiah added

"I wonder if I'll see Chase there" Raven said referring to her Ex witch hunter boyfriend.

"Well being that Calluna killed him I doubt he'll wanna see us" Rauz replied

"Anyways I think we should go too! We need all the help we can get" I added

"Great! Nothing like a little supernatural ghost reunion" Ezekiel mumbled

"Can they touch or harm us in any way?" Angelo asked

"Im not sure, so we should be ready for anything" Zarya replied "I just know that its a small town and over five hundred years ago a really strong witch created it before she died, so that anyone supernatural that died could communicate with people, their friends and families if they wanted too"

"Thats actually really beautiful" Calluna admitted

"Maybe I can see my dad there" Raven said in a hopeful tone

"Wait could I see my parents even though they're in the spirit world?" I asked

"I think so, when anyone supernatural dies they go to the spirit world also known as the afterlife, that we already know. The afterlife is basically like the real world except it only exist to the supernatural people that have died. The witch made sure that she merged them so they're both connected, thats how Ghost town is able to exist in both real life and not. I guess you could call it a doorway of some sort." She explained "I don't know all the details about it but I do know that the dead can kind of go there and leave back to the spirit world.

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