Chapter 25

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"How do you feel?" Ezekiel asked me, he was the first person I saw when I opened my eyes.

I stood up and began looking around, everything felt so heightened. The lights were somehow more vibrant than before, everything around me was extremely vivid, I could actually hear the soft thrum of each heart in the room. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Everything about me was heightened, especially my emotion. The anxiousness I felt was on a completely different level.

"I feel... different" I replied "but like in a good way" Calluna and Avian both smiled at me.

"Feels good doesn't it?" Calluna asked

I smiled "I can't even lie, it does!"

I looked over and saw a drop of my blood on the floor from when Avian bit me. I began to drown everyone else out, all I could focus on was that tiny drop of blood. I felt overwhelmingly hungry and quickly realized I was craving blood for the first time. My fangs popped out which felt weird but I still couldn't focus on anything else.

"Lord, she's already experiencing the bloodlust. Your eyes are like deep red right now" Finn said while grabbing me and bringing me back.

"Oh my god, I've never felt anything like that before! The only thing I could focus on was that little bit of blood... imagine if it was even more" I worried and quickly looked away in shame. Ezekiel grabbed my hand trying to comfort me.

"Listen, it'll be hard for the first few weeks but you can control it quickly if its stopped before it fully starts" Ezekiel explained.

"And you have not one, but two, fully functional, non-murderous vampires to help you" Calluna added while pointing at Avian and herself.

"Okay am I suddenly not a vampire?" Ezekiel asked her

"I said Non-murderous"

"And also fully functional" Avian joked and I chuckled

"Yikes, that was shady" Jeremiah added while giggling

"Hey, I stopped being murderous months ago! And even before that I could've been fully functional... I just chose not to" He admitted "either way, we're here to help"

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching all the way from outside.

"Someones coming" I said

"Hey guys" Enya said as she opened the door , she came to a stop, noticing that we were all staring at her "What's going on? What did I miss?"

"Well, im a vampire" I said sarcastically, my tone as dry as ever.

"Haha very funny, im serious guys"

We all paused and I looked at her intensely before using vamp speed to rush over to her, in doing so I almost crashed into the door because it was my first time.

Enya looked at me in complete shock "oh my god your not lying, why?"

"Because I have to beat Malik and protect you guys, and the only way I can do that is by being as strong as possible"

Angelo came running down the stairs "wait who's a vampire now?" I raised my hand awkwardly.

"Damnit, I always miss the good stuff!" We all began laughing

"So what now?" Finn asked

"Now we go out, and I test some of these vampire abilities! I'll be downtown...catch me if you can"

I bolted out of the house using vamp speed. It felt exhilarating, the wind pressed against my skin as I ran through the streets. It's weird because when I would see other vampires do it, I never imagined it to feel this good. I knew that anyone who wasn't like me wouldn't even noticed.

Exiled II: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now