Chapter 7 (Altiairs POV)

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"Wait what?" Raven said in shock "How did we complete the last step?" Everyone looked at me like they were looking at a ghost or something.

"The only thing that was keeping Malik from waking was me being sleep! His magic was also sleep and cloaked because of that" I explained before getting out of the coffin.

Without question and completely ignoring what I was saying, Finn hugged me tightly and began crying. As upset as I was for them waking me I hugged him back and began crying as well.

"I've waited for this day for a total of four months and three days, I promise you can cuss us out but for right now just hug me" Finn said emotionally.

"I missed you so much" I cried out

Finn stopped hugging me so that the other could hug me as well. They all crowded around me and it turned into a group hug with me in the middle.

"Alt, we've missed you so much! I don't know if you got Rauz's mental messages but things have been hectic!" Avian began explaining

"I got them all, that was really smart to do Rauz" I admitted "But I expect nothing less from you" He smiled after I said that

I looked over to see Calluna crying and she looked so sad.

"Calluna, what's wrong?" I asked her

"Im sorry, I failed you! I tried so hard to be strong while you were gone but I failed" She started "Rauz was really the one who stepped up and took care of things, I just ran away from my problems. Even with this Malik thing, I was in denial and now look at us, we wouldn't have survived that fight if I didn't have vampire abilities or if Raven wasn't a Weir witch. I mean they made us so scared we had to wake you, I've failed as a witch"

"Calluna, you have not failed! None of you have" I assured them "You guys fought, even with all odds against you, weakened powers, Malik's aura and all, and somehow you survived... those are the witches I know! Those are the witches that I taught" I said emotionally, I could tell that meant alot to them.

"Ezekiel, thank you for keeping me here as long you did, I honestly didn't think you'd last a week without telling them where I was" I joked

"Wait, so your saying you didn't have me do this because you trusted me?" He asked

"No I trusted you, im joking" I smiled and I noticed Finn rolling his eyes "Now that I got all the nice things out the way, let me finish tearing you all a new one"

"Oh lord" Enya said putting her head down

"You guys shouldn't have woken me up! It wasn't time! Im so disappointed in you guys for that" I snapped "Have a little more will power, I know im great and all but geez" they laughed

"So how did you know that was the last thing to do?" Finn asked

"Well, Malik came to me alot while I was sleep" I replied

"Wait, you saw his face?" Raven asked

"No, he came as some dark black cloud of smoke" I said "I guess its because his magic is apart of me that he was able to do this"

"So he's smart and strong, great!" Avian said

"At first he was just trying to manipulate me into waking up but, I wasn't dumb or weak enough to do it" I explained "but this last time he told me more details and we will go over them later, but first we need to go home. Finn teleport us."

We all grabbed hands and Finn teleported us home. We looked around and things seemed normal so far.

"At least they didn't trash the place, it's good to know those dogs are well trained" Enya joked

"Guys come in here!" Finn said from the living room

We all ran in to see someone I didn't recognize tied up in a chair.

"Who is this?" I asked in a confused tone

"His name is Angelo, he's a wolf that we kidnapped to get information from but... I thought they were here to retrieve you, why would they leave you here" Rauz asked.

"They don't care about me thats why, they only care about stupid Malik and serving him" Angelo snapped "They came in here and told me I was weak for getting captured and that you guys can do whatever you want to me, they grabbed some books off the table and left"

Everyone looked at each other in shock and Rauz began moving things on the table frantically.

"No! They took the books that Zane gave me, the ones with new information about Malik!" Rauz shouted

Without saying a word, I used my magic to untie Angelo.

"Altiair what are you doing?" Finn asked

"We are not going to kill him, he's young and impressionable. He was just doing what his pack told him too, being loyal" I began explaining "He knows they don't care about him, and they'll probably kill him if he goes back. We're going to use him and what he knows to get those books back"

"So basically, we're going to where they live to steal the books back?" Calluna asked me.

"Yes, either they choose to give them back or we will take them by force" I said confidently

"About that, you absolutely can not use that dark magic in you" Rauz said "We have a plan that can get the magic out of slowly, but you have to try to only use your regular magic as much as possible so it can get stronger and fill the void the dark magic will leave at a slow pace"

Hearing that actually made alot of sense, it would make sense that the reason I would die after releasing it is because the body cant function without all that power.

"It's not a guarantee that it'll work, but its not a bad plan, ill try it!" I replied "We just have to figure out a way that we can actually harm them if it comes to that" I felt a unfamiliar presence in the room suddenly.

"I think I can help with that" A blonde haired boy said as they walked in the room

"Zane? What are you doing here" Rauz asked

"I told you I'd be at the carnival for backup, but when I got there you were all gone so I came here to see why" He replied "Oh, you must be Alriair Wick... THE Altiair Wick" He looked at me with admiration.

"Thats me" I said awkwardly

"The legend in the flesh, im guessing there was a fight and you guys had to wake him" Zane said putting the pieces together

"Yeah, we kidnapped this one at the carnival and they came for him" Ezekiel replied "Well I guess they didn't actually come for him, they came to fight and scare us into waking Alt"

"I see they succeeded" Zane said jokingly

"Yeah and they stole the books you gave me" Rauz added

Zane put his hand on his head as if he was irritated by hearing that.

"So now, you need help getting them back... thats where me and my vampires come in" He bragged

"Well great, I say we take a day or two to heal and relax and then we're gonna go and get those books" I said sternly "Angelo, you wont be going anywhere in the meantime"

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