Chapter 8

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It had been two days since I was woken up. Oddly enough I had slept quite a bit even though id been sleep for four months. I think being able to sleep peacefully with no Malik, and no illusions, felt good.

I caught everyone up on everything I saw while sleep, and everything that Malik said to me. When I told them I had visions of them all dying in different ways they freaked out, naturally.

In the past two days Finn hasn't been able to keep his hands off me. Especially when Ezekiel is around, although I don't think Ezekiel cares. I think he's fine with us being only friends.

We have kept Angelo magically bound to the basement using Ravens magic until we are ready to go get the books back which will be today.

I was now in the living room reading the spell book for more defensive spells so I don't have to use the dark magic.

"What a beautiful morning, on this beautiful day, with my beautiful boyfriend" Finn bragged walking in the living room

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Get a room" Avian said jokingly walking in as well

Me and Finn just rolled our eyes and ignored him.

"Hey where's Enya?" I asked

"She's working, at the academy" Avian replied

My eyes grew wide as I remembered something that had slipped my mind.

"Oh my god! I still haven't seen Luxx" I stressed "Finn can you teleport us to the orphic academy after I get dressed?

"Yeah, I need to see my mom anyways" He replied

"Can me and Calluna tag along? I need to talk to Jade and Luxx about teaching there" Avian asked

"Teaching what?" I asked in a very pointed tone

"Ouch! I want to teach witches about how to defend themselves against vampires and also teach them things about vampires because alot of them don't know" He explained "I mean even given how powerful and smart you guys are, when my dad and you were at odds you didn't know much about vampires"

He actually made a really good point, and I guess I didn't think about that.

"That's true... I mean because of the spell, we didn't get taught anything about them when I went to the academy. Probably because you guys weren't really a threat at the time" I replied

"Exactly! Finally somebody's taking me seriously around here" He joked

"Where's Ezekiel?" I asked "He said he was coming over earlier" I could tell that angered Finn a bit.

"Why do you even care?" Finn mumbled

Avian stared at Finn intensely, he seemed bothered.
"Finn, I get you don't like my dad... and honestly I have my own issues with him but, you don't have to be rude every time his name is brought up"

Finn looked at Avian with a guilty expression.

"You're right, I mean other than the fact that him and Altiair kissed I don't have a reason to hate him anymore" Finn admitted "I think he knows his place now anyways" Avian laughed at that

"Yeah, I mean we kissed when I thought he actually liked me, and before I found out he really wanted to kill me" I joked "Then I found out he actually cared about me which was weird" I was thinking out loud at this point

"But you don't care about him like that anymore right?" Finn asked

"No, only as a friend" I assured him while smiling

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