Chapter 17

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As I sat in my room preparing myself for the day, an unsettling feeling enveloped my body. I knew that we had to go look for Maliks body but something felt off. I couldn't tell if it was just nerves or if I genuinely had a bad feeling about this.

"Hey can I talk to you?" Finn said as he entered the room

"Finn, I don't think now is the time we're about to leave" I replied with a bit more venom than I intended.

He sighed "I know, it wont be long I promise" He sat down next to me awkwardly and I forced a smile

"Okay, whats up?" I asked him curiously

"I just wanted to say that im sorry for the things I said to you the other day" He replied somberly "It wasn't fair for me to say you should've never saved me. I mean it does suck that you kissed him back but I shouldn't have called you the worlds worst boyfriend, especially after you went through hell to get me back"

I was shocked that he apologized for that because honestly, we hadn't really talked much lately besides about stopping Malik.

"Its fine, you don't have to apologize Finn, im the one who should be apologizing every chance I get. Kissing him back was wrong, and although me stopping your breathing was the dark magic, it still made me feel bad. I also should've been honest with you." He looked at me in confusion as I gazed at him nervously

"About what?"

"When you asked if I had feelings for him, the answer is yes I think so... I mean he was really the only person to catch my attention after I lost you. Then of course he was trying to kill me and I thought that would stop the feelings but it didn't. Once I realized he wasn't a horrible person and he was also being manipulated by Kane, I guess I was relieved and didn't realize that meant I still had feelings for him" I explained honestly

"Thank you, I guess when I came back we were thinking things would be right where they left off. Not realizing how much we've both changed."

"Yeah I mean who were we kidding, people change and grow everyday... imagine two whole years" I replied

Finn leaned in and hugged me followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you Altiair Wick, I always have, and even if we're not together, I will still love you. I don't care if that means as friends or lovers. I just want you to be happy and if he makes you happy, then go for it" I smiled and hugged him back.

"I love you Finn Mitchell, I always have, and we don't have to be together for me to love you. I just want us to be happy, even if it means not being together" Tears began rushing down my face

Finn smiled before getting up and walking away and oddly enough, I didn't feel sad or disappointed at that exchange, I felt happy and grateful.

After fixing my makeup and getting everything else together I was now ready to go. I went downstairs to see a full house. Maya and some of her pack were there, Zane and some of his vampires, and of course all of my people and other witches from the academy were here.

"Alright this is how we're doing this, we're gonna break off into groups because if we all walk in one big group we'll look suspicious." I announced "My group will be Avian, Calluna, Angelo, Maya, Rauz and Myself. Everyone else find a group, Try to make it two werewolves, two vampires, and two witches in each group."

Everyone immediately started finding a group and switching.

"Now the thing is, even though we are splitting up we should all end up at the same place! We're gonna be searching deep in the woods, but we should all end up around the same waterfall which is here" I pointed to a place on a map

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