Chapter 4

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We left the house shortly after Zane and were now in the car and on the way to see Altiair.

"So, that Zane character.... he's a bit-" Before I could even finish I was cut off.

"Crazy, chaotic, and tense? I know" Ezekiel said jokingly

"Also cute" I admitted with a flirty smile and both Finn and Ezekiel laughed

"Don't even try it Rauz, you two are like complete opposites. I mean he's adventurous and crazy and you're like... not. Plus he's a vampire, and as far as I know straight" Ezekiel replied

"Well, opposites do attract, and so what if he's a vampire! If Calluna can date one and actually BE one why cant I?" I replied

He had a point though, Zane does seem like the complete opposite of me but I think thats why I find him so attractive.

"Anyways, what are we going to do with this new information? I mean if Malik has these supernatural creatures scattering here trying to serve him, and he wants us dead, we have a big problem and a huge target on our backs" Finn said changing the subject

"True and also Raven being a Weir witch causes a problem, her ancestor was the only one to take him down, that makes her a huge target alone, this is like Ezekiel and Altiair all over again except this time is REAL" I replied "I guess Ezekiel really was just meant to be a fake out to us... ugh! Kanes lucky he's dead or id kill him again"

"When we go to that carnival we have to be extra careful knowing what we know now" Ezekiel said

He was right, we were originally just going to get the wolf, Angelo, to fall under Ravens truth spell and then get information but now I knew we had to be extra careful.

"I have an idea, we are going to bring Angelo back with us against his will and then get the info, just to be safe" I explained "We don't know who will be with him or how suspicious and on edge they'll be"

I saw Ezekiel and Finn nod in agreement to the change of plans.

"Okay, we are here" Ezekiel said stopping the car

We got out the car to see this cabin with lots of water surrounding it. Although you could tell it was old, it was still nice and put together.

"Altiair is in that cabin over there" Ezekiel told ys as he pointed to it "See i can use my vamp speed and run on the water but um, I hope you guys can swim"

"Ezekiel, one of my oddities is Teleportation and as long as I've been there before or can see it, I can teleport there" Finn said arrogantly.

"Everybody hold hands" Finn demanded, so we did.

He closed his eyes and in a flash we were in front of the cabin, I really didn't feel anything as we teleported, but I did feel a little weird after.

"Alright so lets go in" Ezekiel said happily "Altair is going to kill me" he opened the door and we followed him insidez

The inside was pretty nice, it wasn't small but it wasn't necessarily huge either. I looked over to see Altiair lying in a coffin. He looked the same and of course he was wearing a Kimono. My face lit up but I was also overcome with sadness as it was bittersweet seeing him like this.

"Um, Why is he in a coffin like he's dead or somethine?" I snapped

"Well this is actually my coffin and it was either this or a bed, and he chose coffin" Ezekiel replied nonchalantly "Plus its more dramatic this way" He laughed

Finn was extremely quiet which was surprising so I looked over to see why. He was crying. I'm guessing the emotion of seeing him after thinking he wouldn't for a while took over him.

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