Chapter 18

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"God we've been walking for hours, please let us find this man" Calluna complained

"Well Luna, he's supposed to be hard to find for a reason. The person that hid the body didn't want him to be found" I replied sarcastically

"I know, it just feels like we're not making any progress" She continued

I looked over to see Maya with her head down, she looked really sad.

"Maya im sorry about your wolves" I said sympatheticall "Maybe I shouldn't have asked you guys to come"

"Its fine, we all knew the risks of coming it just doesn't make it hurt any less" She responded somberly "Its like losing family"

"I know, I can assure you the person who killed him paid for it with their life" I replied and she gave me a warm smile

"So Angelo, now that im Alpha you thinking about coming back?" Maya asked him And his face immediately lit up

"I mean I would love to, I really would.... but I don't think its the place for me, I've always felt different from you guys and I think I now know why" He responded graciously "I'll stop in to visit all the time though, because I think you'll be a great alpha and I believe in you"

"Sheesh! Raven must really have you in love" I joked

"More like in lust" Avian joked which made us all laugh

"Its not just her, its all of you" Angelo said

"Wait, your in lust with all of us? I mean your attractive, just not my type" I said jokingly and he giggled

"No silly, it's just the way you guys care for each other is inspiring. I guess I feel like I belong somewhere when im around you guys" He admitted which made me smile

I guess you don't really know the impact you could have on someone, because you can't see yourself through someone else's eyes.

"Well im happy we make you feel that" I said happily

"So Alt, I noticed when we fought those guys you didn't go all spawn of satan on them like usual, I think the serum is actually working" Rauz noticed

"Okay you didn't have to call me the spawn of satan" I laughed "I think its working to! I obviously still have the powers but they don't make me go crazy and evil as much. I feel alot better"

"Well good, that means its a good time to tell you that I ruined one of your kimonos at my photoshoot" Calluna admitted and I just stared at her angrily

"How the hell did you even get one of them?" I asked

"I borrowed it while you were still in the magic coma, im so sorry" She explained

"Whatever, its fine im not mad" I said "Plus, we have bigger things to worry about"

"Look, its the waterfall" Avian exclaimed

We all went running towards it and began looking around, but we didn't see anything yet.

"Let's just wait for everyone to get here so we can all look" I said and they nodded in agreement

Everyone sat down and waited so I sat down next to Rauz because I wanted to talk to him.

"Hey" Rauz said as I sat down "What's up" I replied

"I don't know, I just want all this to be over" He said quietly "I mean don't you?"

"Of course I do, I mean I put myself to sleep after doing all that fighting and protecting. Only to get woken up and immediately go into a fight. I haven't had time to breathe" I admitted

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