The door opened. I was so scared, I didn't dare to look up. It all felt unreal, please be a dream... Please be a nightmare... Please stop...

"Little Star..." a deep voice called out, and I could literally hear the smile in that voice.

A wave of joy hit me. It's one of them! They are here to save me! It sounded like Namjoon.

"Joon!" I looked up with my tear stricken face, happy that he was here to save me. I just wanted to get out of here, somewhere safe. "Joon please help me!" I cried as I got up to my feet walking closer to his figure. His face was on the dark, so it was hard to see, but I was sure it was him.

"Joon?" I went closer furrowing my eyebrows together when I noticed he wasn't coming any closer.

"You're wrong Y/n. You need to help me." a ghostly croak escaped his lips and that is when he stepped closer.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. His face was pale, just like that guy's who used to bully me, and his cheekbones were protruding out. His lips were white and his eyes were a lifeless pitch black. "Aren't you happy to see me?" he smiled, flashing his teeth, but it wasn't cute at all, his dimples sunk into the hollow of his cheeks making him look scarier and his teeth was smeared on blood.


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"J-Joon..." I managed to speak out, unconsciously stepping back little by little as he started walking closer to me. With each step I took back, he took a step toward me. "What's g-going on h-here? Where are the o-others?" I asked shakily. My eyes seemed to be glued on his devilish orbs like it was a magnet, I so desperately wanted to look away but I was too scared to do anything.

"We're all here." he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. At his words, I looked beyond him but there was not a trace of anyone else.
"Boo!" a shrill yet soft as a whisper tickled the skin of my ears and I jerked my head to the ghostly voice and it was Hoseok, except... He looked nothing like him. His face had cuts everywhere, his eyes pitch black like Namjoon's and a sinister grin on his lips and I was pushed back, hard, giving me no time to recover as I fell into the bathtub splashing the bloody water everywhere.

I screamed in fear and agony at that, sauntering up to wipe my eyes, and face to see any danger coming for me but as quickly as I opened my eyes everything was a blur.

Namjoon lunged at me with an inhuman growl as a high pitch scream contrasting to his voice rang in my ears. He was going to kill me.

"YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME Y/N! YOU BECAME OUR LITTLE STAR! HELP US!" he shouted and before I could even formulate the words I was getting dressed down into the thick pool of blood, cutting short of my oxygen. I frantically waved my arms in there, as I could see white spots in front of my eyes trying so hard to come out but a force kept me from doing so. I was going to die.

The high pitch was kept ringing in my ears as a very blurred vision of the owner of the voice flashed amidst the dying light of my life. It was Jimin huddled up in a bathtub like me, but looking much more shabbier. He was crying and screaming out loud wanting to drown himself. I started to feel my limbs going limp and my body started feeling light as a dizzy sensation came over my head. Jimin was drowning in that water. I wanted to save him. I wanted to save myself. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't. I was dying... Just like him...

 Just like him

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A sudden surge of fresh oxygen went inside my lungs and it felt like I hadn't breathed for years as my entire body gasped for oxygen. My eyes were so huge trying to focus on the extremely intense light, it felt like I was trapped in darkness for an eternity and I was finally seeing light. Slowly my vision focussed on the familiar light blue tiles of my bathroom and I started coughing out water in tremendous quantity.

"Oh my god sweetie... Oh god!" a soothing yet scared voice calmed my nerves down. It sounded so full of care and worry for me. It was my mother. I looked up at her, her eyes struck with fear as she kept patting my back.

"Are you okay? What happened??" she asked desperately and I looked around to see that everything was back to normal.

Except... My bathtub was overflowing and there was water everywhere in the washroom. My mother was knelt in there holding me up. "Did you just fall asleep in your bath!?" she half screamed at me and I weakly shook my head unable to speak.

I was so scared...

What just happened...?

These thoughts kept running in my head as the dried tears with the water ran down my face. My mother helped me out of there and wrapped my shivering body with a towel guiding me to my bed.

I would've died...

But how could I just drown?

And what was that dream... It felt so real...


Here my children, is another update, I really hope you got scared/felt creeped out or something of that category because I worked extra hard to make my lazy ass do somthing productive :')

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