Sir: wow... That's cool... It would be nice if you do it.. * turns to those people* so, as you asked me for 2 months for the project... & y/n asked me for a month so I would like to give the project permission to y/n...* he handover a file to you.. *

You: thank you sir..

Sir: ya.. All the best.... & dedline will be 1&1/2 month so don't worry...

You: thank you sir * you smiled*

Sir: *by seeing those people* you can go now... Haa ya y/n & team can you discuss about project with me now... I want to know what you understood & how far it's work has been done...

You: ya sir sure..

Sir: ok then * turning to those people again* what ? should I walk you people out?

Them: no sir we will, thank you...

They left & your team members went to bring documents..

Sir: so how was your trip y/n

You: ya it was awesome... & I have something to say you uncle* your face light up.. *

Sir: ho your looking so happy what's the news.. Did you find minshi.. & -

??? : excuse me?

Sir: ya who is that

??? : she'll I come in

Sir: ya come in..

You: ok then will come latter sir* signed*

Sir: ya y/n will see you later

A person dressed in a formal sute entered with a smile..

A person dressed in a formal sute entered with a smile

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Sir: haa you... We thought their is some unknown person... Haha.. Come sit* smiled*

??? : haha, I wanted to give surprise.. Hi y/n...its cool your here I thought how I should meet you haha..

You: hello bro... How are you?...

Bro: hmm ya.. I'm fine... U came today only rt..

You: ya... I came yesterday night into city...

Bro: ho cool...

You: will you talk by standing or are you planing to sit?

Bro: haha.. You didn't changed..

You: haha not for my bro atleast..

Bro: that's gud.. & dad.. Ya me & my wife is leaving to Canada in a week for a trip as you know so.. Wt About the things their I came to discuss..

You: WT .... you going to Canada next week??

Bro: hmm ya.. Just for trip not to die why are you shouting..

You: shoot up why do you say that... You got mad? ..

Bro: sry sry... Now say why are you shouting..

You: uncle tell him not to be that way.. & next week I'm going to get marry.. Tell him to postpone his trip r I'm not talking to him..

Bro: omgggggg you getting marry... Wowwwwww....

You: keep it low.. Everyone will hear ..

Bro: so wt..

You: wait.. Uncle actually I told everything to minshi..*said rushing* & he have some work to do & me too so we are going to marry now in INDIAN style & after a yr or few days we will marry official in Korean style... *head lowered & with soft voice*First we thought of doing it after a year till then I will complete my work & even he do.. But I was scared... I was scared of loosing him... Loosing his care & love towards me... & I'm scared of this society tooo... It's too corrupted... It's too poluted for a alone women to stay safe... I'm scared.. Of those Romars... Which are not true but look like they are perfectly true... & I'm scared of this people who can't see others success & try to destroy them... If a fine day when I lose hope on me to proceed further to him buy removing those thorns of romers... Then I want him to be my side to help me remove those thorns by not believing them... I believe he don't... But I don't believe in me... I may not tell him about it... I may not express things & even I by myself leave him alone because of the scare he may hate me.. He may distrust me... If it happen I don't know at what situation I would be... & I'm sure I don't have gud's to kill my self... But I'm not strong enough now to live without his love... I'm... * teares fall down your eyes*

* uncle & bro try to make you clam*

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

* uncle & bro try to make you clam* ... As you all know what all happened in my life before few months... I don't think I would be fine with those people around me... So I want to protect my self by the name of marriage... I want people to think I'm already someone's... So we decided to marry now a fake marriage for him.. After we reached r goals we will marry official...

Sir: y/n I can understand... Please be strong we are here for you.. Please don't cry... As you well get marry now.. You won't loose him.. & plz plz be strong... I never saw you cry after we meet... I didn't thought you hide this much pain behind your smile y/n...

Bro: y/n you still remember those romers... Y/n we know the truth.. You helped me to get marry to my girlfriend.. You are good from heart.. We know every thing to protect you from them we provided a cabinet room for you... Ya we know you have to face them once a while.. But plz.. Be strong y/n..don't think of those words.. Plz... I feel guilty if you do so.. Is it ok?

You: no bro.. Don't be guilt.. You didn't did anything... It's not your mistake.. Anyway.. My marriage is next week uncle I need leave for next week as I have to look after everything... & I hope you will come to marriage bro... Plz..

Bro: sure.. Of course anything for my sister...

Uncle: permission for leave is granted..

You: & ya.. Don't worry about project.. My team mates will be doing it when I'm not here... I will give them some work... & they will sure complete it..

Sir: ahh y/n after giving you the project their is ntg to worry I know... Haha..

You : tq for trusting me..

Sir: ohh.. Your welcome..

You: uncle my head is aching somewhat... Shall we do it later..

Sir: ya sure take rest

━━━━━━༺༻ ━━━━━━

So y/n suffered a lot but not anymore... Let's see what happens next in further chapters... Stay turned

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